Sentences with phrase «income per capita get»

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To get an idea of the role each component of income per capita plays in the Canada — U.S. income gap, we used the equation shown above, substituting U.S. data for one component at a time, and keeping the country data for the other four components.
While the person may have been living on $ 50k here in the United States, they now get people to give them $ 100k or more per year so they can go live in a country where the average annual per capita income is less than $ 5k.
In terms of virtually every index, whether per capita income, freedom of movement or otherwise, the lives of ordinary Palestinians have gotten worse since the current «peace process» began in 1991.
The strategy is this: First, get a data set for which the target variable — in this case, per capita income — is already known.
Under the funding formula, school funding will be directed by Test 2, which provides what schools got last year with adjustments for attendance and the growth in per capita personal income, which is expected to remain steady next year at 4 percent.
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