Sentences with phrase «incoming sounds»

The brain uses these clues to place the source of incoming sound in three dimensions: you can locate sounds even with your eyes closed.
Does the idea of making your own hours, connecting with the community and bringing in some extra income sound appealing?
These feedback controls allow us to sift through incoming sounds for the most important information, so that we are not overwhelmed by meaningless noise.
I found that many supporters of passive income are supporting it just because the idea of passive income sounds good.
It's just on your current income it sounds as if you are just scraping by and there is nothing leftover to afford professional help.
Unlike normal radio antennas, which receive and transmit electromagnetic vibrations, the nanotube radio literally vibrates to the frequency of incoming sound waves or sends them back out.
When this process goes wrong, the result can be disorders in speech recognition, such as when older people have trouble recognizing speech even when hearing aids amplify incoming sounds.
If setting aside 10 % of your monthly income sounds like a lot, remember that some retirement savings plans use use pre-tax dollars.
Mammalian ears have three distinctive features: a tympanic membrane, or eardrum, that vibrates with incoming sound waves; three delicate ear bones that transmit the vibrations into the inner ear; and the cochlea, a fluid - filled coil of sensor cells that respond to vibrations at different frequencies, arranged from high to low like the keys on a piano.
Incoming sounds produce chemical nerve signals that can excite a neuron to fire a new signal or inhibit it from firing.
This showed that there are distinct areas in a brain region called the superior temporal gyrus that are dedicated to different types of sounds — the STG is already known to be involved in filtering incoming sound.
Your phone's Do Not Disturb mode is the easiest way to quiet incoming sounds and vibrations.
Moderate income sounds like a subjective term, but the USDA has some very detailed instructions for calculating a borrower's income.
Incoming sound waves make the eardrum vibrate, and the eardrum delivers these vibrations using the ossicles to the inner ear where hair cells translate them into electric signals sent to the brain.
[6] The structure of the inner ear helps amplify incoming sounds, and allows these seals to have good directional hearing due to the isolation of the inner ear.
And it boasts DTS Headphone: X 7.1 surround - sound that offers startlingly precise pinpointing of incoming sounds — a big advantage if you're a hardcore gamer.
This is an illustration how a Gardiner's frog can hear with its mouth: Top left: The skin of the animal reflects 99.9 % of an incoming sound wave hiting the body close to the inner ear.
But the microphone and chip in the device sample the incoming sound and produce an inverted wave that cancels out just the sound of the drill.
Top image: Illustration how a Gardiner's frog can hear with its mouth: Top left: The skin of the animal reflects 99.9 % of an incoming sound wave hitting the body close to the inner ear.
Her studies have revealed that the brain does not simply rely on the incoming sounds that reach the ear to understand and retain speech, but rather also relies on information from other senses and prior knowledge to facilitate comprehension.
While living on half your income sounds challenging, the payoff is tremendous.
Surround sound worked as advertised and we had no problem telling the direction of incoming sounds.
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