Sentences with phrase «incompatible with my faith»

At least Brown and Carmichael are men who made a real choice, who did not even attempt a shabby reconciliation, and who saw clearly that violence is radically incompatible with faith in Jesus Christ.
I wonder how many scientists, especially in the USA, have ceased to believe in God because they believe in evolution, and think that incompatible with faith in God?
In the end, the grad program revealed itself to be incompatible with my faith and the professors knew it too.
I left the church because I believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that humans share a common ancestor with apes, which I was told was incompatible with my faith.
Dom Aldhelm and many others do not think that evolution in some form is incompatible with faith; maybe not but it weakens it disastrously!
«Employees who face work requirements incompatible with their faith, and have the option of resigning and seeking alternative employment, can not claim for a breach of Article 9» of the European Convention on Human Rights, Britain will argue.
For gays / lesbians who see their sexual orientation as incompatible with their faith, I think celibacy is a good option that should be more seriously embraced and celebrated by the Church.
I've voluntarily studied the science behind evolution, despite being told my whole life that it's incompatible with my faith.

Not exact matches

Sure, their motives were good, but if you yourself are a person of faith, would you want someone initiating you (posthumously, so clearly without your authorization) into a religion with views incompatible with your own?
When I read the unintelligible rants and petulent diatribes of neo-athelists, the illusion of faith being incompatible with reason gently melts away.
It used to bug the hell out of me when they would promote and agenda that seemed to clearly enunciate that it was incompatible with the Christian faith to be a liberal.
Rather since I already take on faith that you can't, under normal circu «mstances, have both B and not B, that premise conflicts with my understanding of science and the Christian religion, which I see as incompatible (in most forms).
«If the word «random» necessarily entails the idea that some events are «unguided» in the sense of falling «outside the bounds of divine providence,» we should have to condemn as incompatible with Christian faith a great deal of modern physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy, as well as biology,» he wrote.
«It is sadly becoming axiomatic among many that religious faith is incompatible with a scientific world view.
I've watched in growing frustration as this false dichotomy has convinced my friends to leave the faith altogether when they examine the science and find it incompatible with a 6,000 - year - old earth.
Some have argued that since 98 per cent of Catholics (who have been sexually active) have used contraception (according to statistics in the US), the sense of the faithful (the sensus fidelium) is that the use of contraception is not incompatible with the Christian faith.
This, however, does not mean that there can not be serious differences of theologi - cal opinion within the Church, nor that a Christian could never refuse to obey a certain particular order of a minister of the Church because his conscience considers it as incompatible with justice or charity, despite the minister's good faith.
The mentality that Rauschenbusch deployed to seduce his readers — the turn away from troubling debates about doctrine, the shift from personal salvation to social reform, and the reassurance that progressive disdain for traditional religion was in fact a sign of a more authentic and scientific faith — provided a way to remain Christian while setting aside whatever seems incompatible with modern life.
They are not to be coerced or penalized for failure to be religious, because it is given to no man to judge the faith of another and because compulsion is incompatible with reverence.
Perhaps more surprisingly, we have also seen that many of these traditional views are also incompatible with a proper understanding of our faith, with the love of God as preached by Jesus Christ.
For instance, faith appears incompatible with infant baptism, and the national church appears contrary to personal commitment and choice.
At the time, the majority of the science faculty espoused young earth creationism, so I learned about evolution in the context of Christian apologetics courses, with the presupposition that evolution was incompatible with the Christian faith.
Insisting that the science of evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith sets up a false dichotomy that is costing far too many Christians their faith.
«Sending a refugee back to a country where they face persecution because of their faith is incompatible with the Convention.»
Is Christian faith Incompatible with the views of Hitler and his minions, and are the differences worth dying for?
Father Neuhaus charges that «these critics [assume] that baptismal regeneration is incompatible with justification by faith... [They are] prejudging the question before engaging it.»
But because several of the Democratic candidate's policy positions are so manifestly incompatible with Christian reverence for the lives of the most vulnerable, and because her party is so demonstrably hostile to expressions of traditional Christian faith, there is plenty of critique and criticism of the Democratic candidate from Christians, including evangelical Christians.
There is nothing in either incompatible with what we understand elsewhere about the faith of Isaiah.
Its metaphysics is equally compatible and equally incompatible with the sensibilities of any number of faiths, and of any number of schools within individual faiths; but, if it has anything resembling a theology, it is of the mystical, rather than the dogmatic, kind, and so its doctrinal content is nebulous.
«The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence.»
Such an ecclesiastical imperialism is incompatible with the very essence of the Christian faith and universalism or catholicity.
Some of these variations may owe more to ideology than to empirical observation, and certainly some of them may be incompatible with the Catholic faith.
I don't think that is incompatible with Christian faith, just as I don't think science generally is incompatible with Christian faith
One of the world's leading scientists, Collins insists that faith is not incompatible with science.
There is a danger that those with faith will feel that political life is incompatible with being able to express their religious beliefs and hence won't put themselves forward for election.
The petition copied to Mr Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption reads in part: «SERAP considers these amendments to be in bad faith, patently an abuse of legislative powers, politically biased, and demonstrably unjustified in a democratic and representative society governed by the rule of law, and incompatible with the country's international human rights obligations and commitments particularly the UN Convention against Corruption, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples» Rights, which Nigeria has ratified.»
Rhetoric is both specious and incompatible with calls for a system that will renew the public's faith in politics.
The positivist scientism that you call natural science and contrast with my devotion to dialectical materialism is not magical enough to convert me to the article of faith that is the theory of global warming, which is incompatible with current knowledge.
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