Sentences with phrase «increase equatorial current»

Strengthened easterly trade winds increase equatorial current circulation in the Pacific.

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First - order models predicted that solar wind compression regions would induce an increase in the angular velocity of the equatorial plasma and decrease the currents related to the lag from corotation, thus resulting in a dimmer aurora (e.g. Southwood & Kivelson 2001).
An unprecedented strengthening of Pacific trade winds since the late 1990s has caused widespread climate perturbations, including rapid sea - level rise in the western tropical Pacific, strengthening of Indo - Pacific ocean currents, and an increased uptake of heat in the equatorial Pacific thermocline.
The rise of CO2 from 270ppm to now over 400ppm, the extent of equatorial and sub tropical deforestation, the soot deposits on the polar ice caps, the increase in atmospheric water vapour due to a corresponding increase in ocean temps and changes in ocean currents, the extreme ice albedo currently happening in the arctic etc, etc are all conspiring in tandem to alter the climate as we know it.
'' This offers supporting evidence that the earth's spin rate is currently increasing, in agreement with Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum due to a reduction in the earth's spin axis Moment of Inertia, that in turn suggests there is a mechanism in the current part of the Donn and Ewing climate cycle that is transferring equatorial ocean water to ice in polar regions.....
However, I am not a «warmista» by any means — we do not know how to properly quantify the albedo of aerosols, including clouds, with their consequent negative feedback effects in any of the climate sensitivity models as yet — and all models in the ensemble used by the «warmistas» are indicating the sensitivities (to atmospheric CO2 increase) are too high, by factors ranging from 2 to 4: which could indicate that climate sensitivity to a doubling of current CO2 concentrations will be of the order of 1 degree C or less outside the equatorial regions (none or very little in the equatorial regions)- i.e. an outcome which will likely be beneficial to all of us.
Any temperature rise that would occur due the slowing of the Northern and Southern Pacific equatorial currents («gets heated day after day by the equatorial Sun») would be countered by the increase in cloud amount, which would reduce downward shortwave radiation.
That is, trade winds increase during a La Nina, decreasing cloud cover over the tropical Pacific, increasing Downward Shortwave Radiation, increasing Pacific Equatorial Current flow.
For example, while SST decreased overall since 1958 in many parts of the California Current, SST increased in the easternmost southern subtropical gyre and equatorial Pacific [40].
I see that this might increase the flow through the Gulf of Mexico, which brings up the idea of using turbines in the Antilles passages tocreate some back pressure that diverts some of the Equatorial current water around the Caribbean Sea and directly into the Gulf Stream.
It is refilled by the coldness of the poles, and artificial pumping, which will increase poleward warm currents (by mechanical pushing), will warm the arctic by pushing more warm equatorial water towards the poles.
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