Sentences with phrase «increase if points»

Did you know that your car insurance rates might increase if points are added to your driving record?
Yes, that ticket is going to be expensive, and your insurance rate is likely to increase if points are assessed on your California driving record.

Not exact matches

However, if we look at estimates of earnings before interest and taxes, which removes the effect of tax payments, the S&P is expected to see an increase of 8.6 percentage points.
But the important issue is, if we increase GDP by 30 or 40 basis points, this plan is break - even.»
If the Bank of Canada ultimately raises its benchmark rate by 50 basis points from the start of the year, that could increase borrowers» monthly payments by approximately 5 per cent, according to Rob McLister, founder of comparison site
Fortune ran numbers to calculate how much extra revenue the U.S. would need to raise, over the next decade, if it lowered the rate of growth in Social Security by one percentage point, reduced increases in Medicare, Medicaid, and other health care spending by a proportional amount, and held discretionary spending below growth in GDP (albeit from the higher base established by the new laws).
The whole point of automation is to increase your current abilities, but if your staff doesn't have the necessary skill set to perform new tasks, you may need to consider additional or different staffing.
But one key point has been missed: If is successful, the increased connectivity that results would radically change the future of work.
Investors responded to the Fed's quarter - point increase as if a weight had been lifted.
Musk's point was that if Tesla engaged in conventional advertising strategies — the company currently does almost no advertising — it could increase demand, but its more pressing issue now is being able to simply built its cars, and build them well.
If you understand the objective of each part — from the interviewer's point of view — you can increase your chances of beating your competition.
If the NDP is scaling down its plans to a one or two percentage point increase, then it's not clear how a NDP government could avoid the spending cuts that are built into the current budget projection, much less finance new spending.
«If hand hygiene compliance rates increased by 8.7 percentage points across the board during a typical work shift, this could potentially eliminate as many as 1.2 million infections per year, save up to $ 25 billion, and prevent up to 70,000 unnecessary deaths in the United States,» reports Knowledge@Wharton.
If at this point we found that using an interest rate of 6.8 % in our calculations did not yield the exact bond price, we would have to continue our trials and test interest rates increasing in 0.01 % increments.
At the point the growth began to slow, the multiple would contract, meaning that even if its earnings do grow 600 % in the next few years, if it becomes subject to the law of big numbers - that ever increasing amounts eventually forge their own anchor - the result would be a market capitalization substantially similar to today, leading to no increase in the stock price over a long period of time.
In the case of Uber, $ 40 per share would merely be the starting point for the tender offer — a price that would gradually increase in a type of auction if there aren't enough sellers at a given price.
If rates rose 2 %, a BMO report this week pointed out, a family in Ottawa now needing 16 % of its gross income to service a mortgage and would have to increase that to 20 %.
Press your hands together and point a finger towards the sky if you wish — it increases focus and connects you physically and mentally to the root of the earth and the sky.
And while GWNFA has complained that head office is not allowing franchisees to raise their price points in response to the minimum wage increase in Ontario, their biggest operating region, head office might fear that «if customer counts are down and franchisees raise their prices to cover the labour cost increase, that will drive more customers away,» Fisher said.
Secondly, as guest and I have been trying to point out if the appreciation in currency for Japan / Germany is due to increased demand for there manufacturing exports this is not the same thing as an appreciation caused by increased demand for oil exports.
He also explained that if my score had been just slightly lower to start with, an 80 - point drop would cost even more: «By comparison, from 750 to 670, you'd be looking at an approximate 100 basis points (1.0 %) increase, or $ 60 per $ 100,000 borrowed [per month].»
There is an opportunity to increase the amount of points you earn with each purchase, if you are a Bank of America account holder.
If the NDP is scaling down its plans to a one - or two - percentage - point increase, then it's not clear how an NDP government could avoid the spending cuts that are built into the current budget projection, much less finance new spending.
If the PODs keep scaling, at some point the resources that nodes have available will run out and you will have to add more nodes to increase overall resources available at the cluster level.
According to a 10 - Q filed by Bank of America earlier this year, a 100 - basis - point increase in both long - term and short - term lending rates would boost its interest income by $ 6 billion, which is essentially double (if not more) what its closest peers, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase, would see in interest income increases.
While this reduces the break - even point it also increases risk if the stock price continues to drop; this is not to mention that they are coughing up more cash to purchase more stock.
«I would point out only that if you look at the rise in the Dow for example, some 20 % or so is just from the rise of Goldman Sachs» (GS) value and that if you look at financials broadly they account for something like a third of that increase.
If you somehow earn a link from a high - authority national site like Huffington Post while you're still in your infancy as a brand, you could easily move up several points in terms of domain authority, resulting in a kind of «rising tide» that increases all your ranks significantly.
If all goes according to plan — markets digest the incremental increase, companies and consumers continue to feel confident, and global markets stay steady — the Fed could raise rates in separate 25 - basis - point increments in June, September, and again in December, 2016, for an end - 2016 target rate at 1.125 %.
RE the second point: if someone can explain to me how the Futures Market (which is cash settled) will affect the actual Market Ill stand corrected on that point... having said all this I do believe BTC is overvalued on a «fundamental» basis because there has not been enough adoption and the transaction cost is too high but it is acting more like gold 2.0 and there will have to be a better method of lowering transaction costs and increasing speed or using an alternative coin.
If you assume the Fed increases the target rate from 1 percent to 1.25 percent at that point, the average effective rate for the month of December will be:
«If rates increase 25 basis points, mortgage rates are still at historical lows and exceptionally favorable for homebuyers.
If Dollar Tree successfully experiments with different price points and drives prices lower, it increases its chances of cutting into Dollar General's and Wal - Mart's market shares, analysts said.
If valuations remain high or increase, at some point higher yields may make bonds more attractive relative to equities.
Clean up your credit, because even a one point increase in your score, if it gets you into a better pricing tier, can save you thousands.
There would also be a 60 - vote point of order if the bill increased the deficit over the first five or first ten years, per the Senate «Pay as you go» (PAYGO) rule, unless the budget resolution repealed the Senate PAYGO rule or established an exception to it.
With a five - point increase during the company's market penetration is estimated to be around 13 %, making it a key contender for new business if the market heats up again.
That would be an increase of about 100 basis points (1.0 %) from where we are right now, if the MBA forecast proves accurate.
Note that if the saving rate rises one percentage point per year for 10 years, the cumulative increase in saving will total about $ 5.5 trillion.
One Baptist friend says it augurs ill for the Evangelicals and Catholics Together project if, in fact, there is a dramatic increase in five - point Calvinism, since most of the evangelical opposition to that initiative has come from Calvinists.
If disorder increases with time and the universe is eternal then we would be in total disorder at this point.
St. Leo makes the point, «It is not much good if the body's strength is weakened but the soul's vigour is not increased.
Some couples discover that, if they try, they can increase the points at which they have connections with each other, thus broadening the range of their intimacy experiences.
Though most, if not all, humans are guilty of thinking judgmental and hypocritical thoughts, those making up roughly 60 % 0f the population who are truly ignorant, narrowminded, with lack of a personal identity (easily manipulated by peers) tend to go to the extreme of blowing the horn of self - righteousness by pointing out the flaws in other groups instead of focusing on their own flaws, which is an increased epidemic in this day in age especially in the age groups of 15 to 33.
If we point out that over decades the vast increase in total production has not improved the lot of half the world's people, we will be told to be patient.
Even if you agree with their general call for increased background checks, you might find yourself taking issue with individual points or responses.
However, if the argument is made that alternative orientation is nature's response to overpopulation, then 1) we'd need to see results from that, and 2) those results would point to either an increase or decrease.
Although Peirce does insist that there is divergence from law and increasing variety in the world, and that at no time in the finite future will there be no aberrancy from law (6.91), he also insists that growth is continually expanding into law and that if we were to reach a point in the infinitely distant future, we would have reached a state of no indeterminacy or chance but a complete reign of law (6.33).
The larger point is what would happen if believers were to increase their giving to a minimum of, let's say, 10 percent.
The discouraging problem is that an increasing population could level off its consumption only if each person consumed less, whereas all our habits and traditions point to rapidly increasing per capita consumption.
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