Sentences with phrase «increase in exercise»

Psychotherapy and a gradual increase in exercise, the researchers claimed, were lasting, effective treatments that could lead to recovery.
1.5 grams PC daily for 15 days showed a 21 % increase in exercise tolerance and a 45 % increase in oxygen consumption.
After an average follow - up of nine years, researchers found that the risk of death was 11 percent lower for every one - MET increase in exercise capacity.
CarnoSyn ® beta - alanine demonstrated statistically significant delays in muscle fatigue and increases in exercise endurance and peak capacity across a wide span of athletic performance.
For instance: 500 mg per day of 500 mg PC per day, a modified form of carnitine [propionyl - L - carnitine], led to a 26 % increase in exercise capacity after six months.
The ILMI exercise programme yielded a 22 % increase in exercise capacity, whereas after RYGB exercise capacity was unchanged.
But they say that their findings corroborate other research on the impact of time spent sitting down, and conclude: «We hypothesise that a reduction in sitting hours is of greater importance than an increase in exercise time for elderly risk individuals.»
This change could be the result of Scott's increase in exercise and calorie intake in space, especially since his telomeres shortened back up after he returned to Earth.
It is believed that this was caused by the increases in exercise capacity stimulated by creatine instead of any impact creatine might have had on testosterone production.
To understand how diet drives libido, first consider these recent discoveries: for men, a decrease in calorie and fat consumption (along with an increase in exercise) has shown a nearly 50 percent increase in testosterone production.
Mathematically I should have lost a ton of weight but ended up gaining a belly due to increase in cortisol levels because of the increase in exercise.
The group getting the Vitamin D ate three times less food, and lost 24 percent of their body weight, despite no increase in exercise or calorie expenditure.
Since the ATP energy used by your muscles is generated with the aid of oxygen, it follows that an increase in exercise intensity will result in an increase in muscular oxygen demands.
With an increase in exercise and other physical activity comes the need for more calories and more protein.
Although I don't recommend an increase in exercise frequency... it's just nice to recover quickly and not be sore.
So not only have I managed to lose about 30Kg in weight with he diet change and increase in exercise, i no longer have to suffer or worry about that burning feeling and having to rush for my daily dose of antacid tablets.
However, the most common causes for change are a reduction in food intake and an increase in exercise or activity.
Some cases can be solved with behavioral therapy and an increase in exercise, while more severe behavioral cases may require the aid of medication.
Helpful interventions include an increase in exercise, additional dog - human interaction and relief of stressful situations.
It is the increase in exercise which results in building muscle, not creatine alone.
He can be quite demanding when he wants more food, and they may not be too enthusiastic about any increase in exercise.
It is the increase in exercise that results in building muscle, not creatine alone.
He was treated with an increase in exercise and timely interruptions of his behavior the moment each event started.
Dogs also can benefit from an increase in exercise.
So many behaviour challenges can be improved with an increase in exercise.
Studies with seniors indicate pet companionship lowers blood pressure, alleviates loneliness and depression, and leads to increases in exercise and socializing.
«We hypothesise that a reduction in sitting hours is of greater importance than an increase in exercise time for elderly risk individuals,» Professor Mai - Lis Hellenius, from Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, told the Telegraph.
Combined with an increase in exercise these two steps can assist many people.
Research by Depp and colleagues found that an increase in exercise training may have antidepressant effects in older adults.
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