Sentences with phrase «increase in student achievement»

The results indicated a statistically significant increase in student achievement and a successful learning experience for all.
But only when data is tied to action do we see increases in student achievement and high school graduation rates, as well as more dollars and resources directed to low - performing schools.
The results suggest that using multiple measures of value - added to specialize teachers by subject could produce small average increases in student achievement, and larger increases for some students.
One is that programs without an academic component can nevertheless demonstrate increases in student achievement, whereas many programs focused on achievement fail to do so.
The result is you could find substantial growth in teacher expertise across the school district and, consequently, a substantial increase in student achievement.
Yet sustained increases in student achievement are problematic for underperforming schools.
... little evidence of changes to student outcomes [and] no substantive increase in student achievement.
Solution yields some minimal increase in learning opportunities for students, resulting in a minimal increase in student achievement.
That effort generated a significant increase in student achievement that has met, and in many areas exceeded, the results of the state's public and charter schools.
For example, both the Common Core State Standards effort and the move toward rigorous teacher evaluations could lead to dramatic increases in student achievement, if implemented faithfully by states and school districts.
Authorizers must also place increases in student achievement for all subgroups as the most important factor when determining whether to renew or revoke a school's charter - that includes the progress of economically disadvantaged students, students from major racial and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency.
The results point to increases in student achievement from teacher retirement that are, if anything, larger for disadvantaged schools — the opposite of what we might have expected (see Figure 3).
One way in which NCATE attempts to demonstrate its effectiveness is by citing the fact that the three states that required NCATE accreditation for all schools of education during the 1980s — Arkansas, North Carolina, and West Virginia — experienced greater than average increases in student achievement on the NAEP assessments during the 1990s.
Because of the many studies that show increases in student achievement when parents and other caregivers actively participate in their children's education, schools are making a concerted effort to encourage greater family involvement (Delors, 1996; Ramirez, 1999; Wentworth, 2006).
Under her direction, the Center received national recognition and awards for marked increases in student achievement at schools they serviced.
Under his leadership, the district won the 2011 Broad Prize in Urban Education, which recognizes increases in student achievement and closing of achievement gaps.
Authorizers must also place increases in student achievement for all subgroups as the most important factor when determining whether to renew or revoke a school's charter - including the progress of economically disadvantaged students, students from major racial and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency.
Despite the low absolute ranking, «The scholarship program's increases in student achievement outpaced the majority» of public school systems,» Education Department officials wrote in a fact sheet.
The 41 «high probability» strategies correlate with increases in student achievement.
«Alberto M. Carvalho is a nationally recognized expert on education transformation whose leadership drove Miami - Dade County Public Schools to unprecedented increases in student achievement and graduation rates.
With state funding increases to schools over the past two years coinciding with marked increases in student achievement among students of color in such high - needs cities as Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester and New York City, Geri Palast of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity argued that «without sustained investment, further progress is impossible.»
Also, over the period we examine, all schools experienced increases in student achievement on the New York state test, leading some to suggest that the exam had grown easier (or at least easier to teach to).
As an example of the limitation of this measure, note that the United States is coded as a country where teacher salaries can be adjusted for outstanding performance in teaching on the grounds that salary adjustments are possible for achieving the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification or for increases in student achievement test scores.
Participation in the 1:1 programs was associated with increased student and teacher technology use, increased student engagement and interest level, and modest increases in student achievement.
Our research with MIT using admission lotteries confirmed that the Boston area charters are generating large increases in student achievement.
Dr. Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model is a research - based system for «causing» increases in student achievement through incremental improvements in teaching.
After five years with their chosen evaluation system, many districts are looking for new options that exceed Kansas state requirements, that have a history of results, and that feature classroom research indicating increases in student achievement.
An earlier review of 93 summer program evaluations found increases in student achievement whether the programs focused on remedial or accelerated learning.
If this dramatic increase in the number of non-teachers had coincided with a similar increase in student achievement, there would be a case to be made that these new positions were effective.
FIM transforms classroom instruction and drives increases in student achievement.
While the school still has room for improvement, this kind of momentous increase in student achievement is almost unheard of.
We are working hard to help teacher leaders cultivate the skills necessary to fulfill their roles, support their colleagues, and lead increases in student achievement.
A new study finds that teachers who were given access to a set of «inquiry - based» lesson plans and online support on how to use the lesson plans saw increases in student achievement.
The key to dramatic increases in student achievement and lowering of the achievement gap in a PBL - T school is rigorous standards - based curriculum learned via 100 % project - based earning infused with technology.
With the dramatic increase in science instruction, the substantial increases in student achievement in science (vs. demographically similar comparison students) anticipated by the researchers were found.
A review published by the US National Research Council concluded that the international evidence was «not encouraging about the ability of incentive programs to reliably produce meaningful increases in student achievement» [2].
The researchers in this study maintain that, ``... programs without an academic component can nevertheless demonstrate increases in student achievement, whereas many programs focused on achievement fail to do so» (David 85).
By 2007,... «despite additional per - pupil resources,» privately managed schools like Edison's «did not produce average increases in student achievement that were any larger than those seen in the rest of the district,» while «district - managed restructured schools outpaced the gains of the rest of the district in math.»
The school serves 514 students in grades kindergarten through 5 and is a Celebration school, the designation given by the Minnesota Department of Education to schools to recognize increases in student achievement.
Change 3 — an observable change in what students are doing in the learning process Change 4 — measurable increases in student achievement (academic, behavioral, attitudinal)

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