Sentences with phrase «increase mucous»

Tactic number 2 is to increase mucous secretions in an attempt to trap invaders and move them out of the body in a phase known as rhinorrhea.
Typically I avoid dairy during a cold because dairy can increase mucous production, but live - culture yogurt is a worthwhile exception.
Increased mucous production during teething can make your baby more prone to ear infections.
In addition, when a food does not digest well, a cleansing or allergenic reaction can be triggered by the body which frequently manifests as increased mucous production.
Itchy skin, hot spot increased mucous.

Not exact matches

Among many of it's benefits, the powder helps clean out accumulated build - up of waste, toxins, metals and mucous in the digestive tract as well as improving digestion and increasing nutrient absorption.
Additionally, carminative herbs like peppermint help to tone the mucous membrane and increase the gut related muscle contractions, called peristalsis, in order to move food and wastes through the system gently.
In 1878, the Hungarian medical scientist Endre Hogyes extracted capsaicin, which he called capsicol, and discovered that it stimulated the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach and increased the secretion of gastric juices.
When the mucous becomes thick or increases in amount due to other problems, it causes the post-nasal drip.
Some of the most commonly experienced pregnancy symptoms include: nausea / vomiting, an enhanced sense of smell, frequent urination, breast tenderness, extreme tiredness, a missed period, light bleeding, dizziness / fainting, constipation, mood swings / irritability, heartburn / indigestion, changes in complexion, increased cervical mucous / vaginal discharge, weight loss, cramping, backache, headaches, an enhanced sense of taste and vaginal changes.
If your nose is stuffed up, for instance, you can probably chalk it up to the combined effect of hormonal changes and increased blood flow to your mucous membranes.
Your body's stepped - up production of estrogen, which increases blood flow to the pelvic area and stimulates the body's mucous membranes during pregnancy, is the culprit behind this pesky pregnancy symptom.
A study from Wilkes University in Wilkes - Barre, Pa., found that men and women who had one to two sexual encounters per week had a 30 % increase in IgA, antibodies found in saliva and mucous membranes that are considered the first line of defense against cold and flu viruses.
While its mechanism of action is yet to be fully understood, it is thought that the antiulcerous effect of capsaicin promotes vasodilation and increases gastric mucous blood flow, which also facilitates good digestion and healthy bowel movements.
In IBS, an increase in mucous production sometimes occurs and then is passed in bowel movements, especially with diarrhea - predominant IBS.
This results in an increased production of mucous and therefore also increasing the amount of mucous excreted by the body.
In the instance of the mucous being diet related, it's a wise idea to increase water intake and herbal can be used to sooth the irritated intestine.
If you don't notice any changes in your mucous or don't get the good stretchy stuff, increase your good fats (butter, coconut oil, egg yolks) and take a fatty acid supplement for women.
In scientific studies, colostrum supplements have proven to increase the amount of IGF - 1 and IgA in the bloodstream (IgA is an important immunoglobulin that helps to ensure our immunity to pathogens, especially in the mucous membranes).
Studies have shown that Candida rapidly multiplies in the presence of sugar, along with increasing its ability to adhere to the mucous membranes throughout the body.
Orange peel contains aromatic compound properties that are antiseptic, reduce muscles spasms and decrease the thickness while increasing the production of mucous fluid.
Throughout Winter, the predominant elements building in the body / mind are Water and Earth, increasing «Kapha» (you can think of Kapha as mucous).
Evening Primrose Oil helps to increase cervical mucous and metabolic function.
Many people will notice that they pass out bowel plaques, some mucous and either an increasing amount of bowel motions or larger stools, especially those who were on processed or diets high in refined or junk foods to begin with.
Dairy products can increase and thicken mucous.
Congestion has actually been a constant throughout my pregnancy and apparently its a constant for many women due to the increased blood flow to all mucous membranes, caused by the high levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy.
Restlessness; increased heart rate, water intake, and hemoglobin concentration; dry and tacky mucous membranes
As previously mentioned, when the kidneys are compromised, toxins increase in the blood and are able to irritate the mucous membranes (lining of the mouth and GI tract).
Increased risk of infection to the mucous membrane tissues listed above.
Other signs include lethargy, inappetance (lack of appetite), weight loss, abdominal distension (bloated abdomen), nose bleeding, fatigue, pale color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and the eyes and increased respiratory rates.
A common symptom typically seen with colitis is increased frequency of defecation, along with mucous and fresh blood in or coating the stool.
The rabbit's response to the increased dust in the environment is to produce copious amounts of mucous, as evidenced by some wetness near the nostrils.
The most common signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, bright red gums, vomiting, diarrhea, an increased heart rate, and increased salivation that can progress to very dry mucous membranes.
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