Sentences with phrase «to increase social mobility»

This report highlights the importance of increasing social mobility and how the construction industry can work to promote greater equality of opportunity for all, particularly in a challenging social and economic environment.
And on grammar schools, the evidence suggests they do not increase social mobility and they do not raise academic standards overall.
In addition, we believe that our goal is to build social capital and help increase consciousness around increasing social mobility.
For example, it would be easy - peasy to claim that Grammar schools played a massive role in increasing social mobility, because they were around at the time some of it happened.
I call these characteristics virtues because they promoted and furthered mass education and thereby increased social mobility and enhanced economic growth.
Adam Swift, professor of political theory at Warwick university, said he was unaware of any empirical research to support the claim that grammars increase social mobility.
According to specialist recruiter, Clayton Legal, the Apprenticeship Levy has the potential to increase social mobility within the legal profession.
Livermore, who was an aide to Gordon Brown and then served as Labour's 2015 general election campaign director, spoke about the importance of aspiration in increasing social mobility and recalled a careers teacher who had a big influence on him.
Widening access to the UK's most selective universities is an important means of increasing social mobility.
He explained: «We know that grammar schools do not increase social mobility.
«There are some people in the Labour party that now get [it that] progressive politics has to be about empowerment, reducing dependency on the state, increasing social mobility through individual empowerment, releasing power from the centre politically — but it is not where the Labour party lies at heart.
It's a tax that only affects the very wealthy, it taxes income that can otherwise go untaxed, people with vast amounts of wealth are already able to minimize its impact, and it helps to increase social mobility (reduce income inequality) by preventing the ultra wealthy from hoarding too much...
Prior to that, Cuomo also announced «the Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative,» a $ 25 million program to «bring together state and local government, non-profit and business groups to design and implement coordinated solutions to increase social mobility in ten cities with the highest poverty rates in the state.»
The $ 25 million program will bring together state and local government, non-profit and business groups to design and implement coordinated solutions to increase social mobility in ten cities with the highest poverty rates in the state.
«But, returning to 11 plus will not increase social mobility, and we should focus on raising standards in 3,000 secondary schools.»
Higher education We await Lord Browne's final report into higher education funding, and will judge its proposals against the need to: - increase social mobility; - take into account the impact on student debt; - ensure a properly funded university sector; - improve the quality of teaching; - advance scholarship; and, - attract a higher proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
While one university might aspire to be a top research centre, another might be aiming to increase social mobility in a specific region.
Mobilities & Urban studies at Aalborg University integrates the diverse challenges that are related to an increasing physical mobility (traffic and transportation by car, plane or train alike), increased use of virtual mobility (mobile phones and smart transport systems), increasing social mobility (tourism and migration) and environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of transportation (e.g. bicycle cultures or bike lanes in Copenhagen).
Amy Lalla, director of Let Me Play, said: «The decision is entirely at odds with David Cameron's professed aim to increase social mobility and tackle entrenched social problems.
In a bid to increase social mobility, Blackpool, Derby, Norwich, Oldham, Scarborough, West Somerset, Bradford, Doncaster, Fenland and East Cambridgeshire, Hastings, Ipswich and Stoke - on - Trent, were named as «opportunity areas».
The Multi-academy trust (MAT) Development and Improvement Fund (MDIF) is now open to applications, which aims to give trusts extra funding in order to improve schools and increase social mobility.
A plan to boost the number of faith school places by changing prohibitive admissions rules on new schools is «unlikely to be effective» in increasing social mobility, warns...
Research organisations, including Education Datalab and the Education Policy Institute, have published studies showing selective schools do not increase social mobility.
It works to improve educational opportunities for young people from non-privileged backgrounds and increase social mobility.
Student loans were created as way to increase social mobility and invest in the future by allowing everyone the means to receive a higher education.
However, with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, the door is now open for a swathe of new entrants to the legal profession and with it increased social mobility.
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