Sentences with phrase «increased anxiety»

Seniors have typically lived for a long time in their current dwelling, so when the need to move occurs, there may be increased anxiety, apprehension and confusion.
[3] If the aim of early intervention is to decrease the presence of long - term anxiety disorders, then it is important to identify which factors lead to increased anxiety over time and, therefore, which variables should be targeted in treatment.
Children are extremely sensitive and any stress in the home during their early years can lead to increased anxiety.
The kinds of problems that are most commonly seen in children of divorce include twice as many teenage births, academic and achievement difficulties, acting - out behaviors, and internalizing symptoms such as increased anxiety and depression.
Increased anxiety or stress may result in the child being less able to compete equally with others, and they may refuse to play a challenging game, cheating, or prematurely quit.
In Australia today, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people still experience high levels of racial prejudice and discrimination, resulting in increased anxiety, depression and suicide risk.
This results in increased anxiety, depression, or withdrawal.
Third, parents may identify strongly with the well - being of their child; consequently, childrearing disagreements may involve a perception that the other parent is not maintaining a safe environment for the child, thus leading to increased anxiety on the part of the parent identifying with the child.
Dysfunction in each coparenting dimension may create maladaptive family environments that may either alone or in interaction with other factors give rise to increased anxiety in children.
Second, conflict within the interparental relationship — which has been viewed in terms of an attachment relationship providing security for each partner (Mikulincer et al. 2002; Simpson et al. 1992)-- may undermine parental emotional security and lead to increased anxiety.
Coparental conflict may also lead to increased anxiety symptoms in parents.
Many children begin to experience increased anxiety, depression, and stress.
Children who experience more stressful events over their lifetime than others or who have gone through particularly traumatic events may experience increased anxiety.
Secrecy is also connected to increased anxiety and low mood.
Medically indicated PTB is usually associated with either ill health of the mother or fetal distress and, as such, there may be increased anxiety for both parents.
When we stop connecting and holding hands, we feel left on our own and the result is increased anxiety, depression and other emotional and social afflictions.
After a lot of efforts and preparation of Professional Resume, you have finally cleared the majority of the interview process and now await with increased anxiety as the recruiters gear up for declaring your compensation and benefits.
Symptoms of high cortisol levels include weight gain, mood swings and increased anxiety.
Dean has noticed increased anxiety in other settings as well, though it only comes out every once in a while.
The sleep problem resolved quickly and the increased anxiety was modest in severity and did not persist over a lengthy period of time.
However, in reality, the foster family was working the dog in a way that increased anxiety and the behaviors will return with a sudden explosion after adopting.
Some EPI dogs exhibit increased anxiety, becoming fearful of other dogs, people, and strange objects.
There is often increased anxiety about new routines, people, or separation from owners.
This study on behavioral indicators of separation anxiety in dogs says «Regardless of their SA (separation anxiety) status, all of the dogs in the study showed behavioral signs of increased anxiety when their owners left the room.»
Increased anxiety and phobias are not uncommon in older dogs.
The use of aversive methods (e.g., pinning and yelling) can result in increased anxiety about the grooming process — and can also produce additional side effects such as aggression, generalized fear, escape / avoidance and apathy — so this practice should be avoided.
Although there is no medical problem that contributes specifically to urine marking, physical problems can create increased anxiety in a cat, which can contribute to marking.
If you notice any behavioral changes in your pet or increased anxiety, please discuss your concerns with your veterinarian.
The potential effects of punishment can include aggression or counter-aggression; suppressed behavior (preventing the consultant / trainer from adequately reading the animal); increased anxiety and fear; physical harm; a negative association with the owner or handlers; and increased unwanted behavior, or new unwanted behaviors.5
Other dogs experience increased anxiety, restlessness, hyperactivity, and irritability.
The most common side effects are diarrhea, panting, and increased anxiety.
Any medical or degenerative illness that causes pain, discomfort or decreased mobility — such as arthritis, dental disease, thyroid dysfunction, cancer, impaired sight or hearing, or urinary tract disease — can lead to increased sensitivity and irritability, increased anxiety about being touched or approached, increased aggression (because your cat may choose to threaten and bite rather than move away), decreased responsiveness to your voice, reduced ability to adapt to change, and reduced ability to get to usual elimination areas.
The more common symptoms of this disorder are increased anxiety, going to the toilet in the wrong place, and forgetfulness.
The aging cat may demonstrate behavioral changes, including lapses in house training, lethargy, increased and changes in sleeping pattern, night time restlessness, increased anxiety, and inability to cope with environmental changes, lack of attention to grooming, decreased tolerance to cold, finicky eating habits, and becoming more sweet tempered (on the other hand some become more cranky or grumpy!).
Dogs go through withdrawal symptoms (increased anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation), so any discontinuation should be done slowly and always under the guidance of your vet.
One of the reasons punishment is not recommended as a strategy to stop behaviors like digging is that increased anxiety can just increase unwanted behaviors in your dog, as a kind of coping mechanism.
Never yell at your pet companion to get him to stop barking — he might start fearing you and the increased anxiety might make him bark even more.
Common minor symptoms may include achiness, lethargy, increased anxiety, appetite loss.
This may lead to increased anxiety / insecurity, resulting in even worse behaviour.
In short, for whatever reason — increased anxiety about the future, fear of running through their nest egg too soon, trouble shaking a deep - seated tendency toward thrift — many retirees simply may not be enjoying retirement as much as they should be given the financial resources at their disposal.
«In the summer of 2012, my elementary school teachers began to report increased anxiety over having to learn two entirely new curricula for Math and ELA.
On top of the floods, many of our immigrant and refugee neighbors have experienced increased anxiety over the uncertainty of federal policies, travel bans, and possibilities of deportation.
Sometimes people happen to go through a series of really unfortunate events and it is hard to figure out a way to be there for the other person which DOES put strain on friendship (been there), especially if the rules of the friendship were experiencing a rewrite (increased anxiety, new workload, new SO, etc).
In mice, prenatal exposure to BPA is associated with increased anxiety, aggression and cognitive impairments.
Instead many people are prescribed benzos rather casually and end up like Alison, having to deal with all these horrible withdrawal effects from the benzos: increased anxiety, dizziness, terrible fears, less able to deal with stress, prone to getting sick and not sleeping for months.
High doses of lemon balm may affect thyroid function and contribute to increased anxiety and a negative mood.
I was so grateful to have a reason for my mood swings, weight gain, and increased anxiety, but I was terrified of what came next.
Therefore, those that have the A2a gene difference could experience increased anxiety when consuming caffeine.
The team looked at 3 different genotypes involving adenosine receptor genes to see if any of them would indicate whether or not a person would have increased anxiety when consuming caffeine.
Another recent study found that injected titanium dioxide nanoparticles increased anxiety in rats, increased inflammation and there was increased accumulation in the liver, lungs and brain:
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