Sentences with phrase «increased communication capabilities»

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«Instead we must increase law enforcement's capabilities to handle encrypted communications and devices.
«This may drive them to increase their capabilities when it comes to encrypting communication and securing their sites.
Aircraft communication capabilities are improved with expansion of satellite communications connectivity compatible with emerging DoD architectures, increased multi-asset coordination nets and upgraded data - link terminals.
I recently started a blog, that more by accident than design has dealt with the climate issue, although my interest is in the increased capability computers bring to communication via visual means.
6 To promote the use of both official languages in all activities of The Association and to ensure that all members of The Association understand its workings in the official language of their choice; to ensure that all communications (written, audio - visual and electronic) intended for the general membership are in both official languages; and to work to increase the bilingual capability of Judges and their courts;
Led a diverse project team with the goal to enhance communications capabilities and increase reliability during regional emergencies.
Areas of Expertise IT Management Network Engineering Citrix Engineer \ Administration Active Directory / File Security Manager VMWare Engineer \ Administration Network Design / Architecture Local Area Networks (LAN) Wide Area Networks (WAN Help Desk Management Data Center Management / Design * Altiris Administration System Automation Server Configuration Security Systems Management * Hardware Installation Software Configuration Remote Software Deployment Patch Management * Change Management Project Management Business Process Analysis Business Communications Sales / Marketing Management Risk Management / Disaster Recovery Analyst Statistical Analysis Database Management Policy Development Contract Negotiation * Grant Writing Total Quality Management (TQM) Training & Development TCP / IP Configuration Change Management Monitoring Ability to increase organizational effectiveness and staff skill level through training and awareness of best practices Unique blend of technical experience administrative skills and team - building capabilities Mastery of all phases of project development life cycle including requirements analysis specifications development application design implementation data conversion design review and system testing * Proven ability to communicate effectively with all involved parties to ensure the development of viable business solutions to technical issues Ability to manage complex systems spanning multiple platforms and multiple functionalities * Demonstrated leadership and team - building capabilities in the professional environment as well as through active community involvement * Ability to cultivate trust and respect through open communication and shared goals among various business units
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