Sentences with phrase «increased government regulation»

These two positions are increasingly coming into conflict, and will require increasing government regulation to sort out.
Industry can respond to the potential for increased government regulation or changes in consumer preferences in two ways: by mitigating its own GHG emissions or by developing new, lower GHG emission products and services.
The price falls of bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies — like ethereum, litecoin and ripple — have been attributed to a variety of factors, including news reports in South Korea and China about increased government regulation on exchanges, as well as the closure of the popular crypto platform Bitconnect.
Because of its outsized ratio of power to size, the Wankel's future seems bright, especially in the face of increasing government regulations concerning exhaust emissions.
Bitcoin prices had declined from their December peak of nearly $ 20,000 amid uncertainty about increased government regulation on cryptocurrencies.
The fight Lee is referring to is what he calls the «crypto wars» — cryptocurrency's battle against increasing government regulation and oversight, including moves by the New York attorney general this week.
After NADA lobbying, dealers won exemption from increased government regulation called for in the Dodd - Frank Financial Reform Act passed after the financial meltdown of 2008.
If you think that faceless bureaucrats and increased government regulation fueled by tax dollars are the solution, then there is really no hope for you.
Thus, for instance, resistance to climate science in the United States seems to be linked to a libertarian economic outlook: People who resist what experts tell them about global warming often appear, at heart, to be most worried about the consequences of increased government regulation of carbon emissions.
Americans who are skeptical about climate change engage in personal behavior that is more friendly to the environment than climate alarmists, who support increased government regulation, a new study has found.
Or is man - made «global warming» an overheated environmental con job being used to push for increased government regulations and a new «Green» energy agenda?
What are your liabilities and risk in the era of data breaches, ransomware attacks and increased government regulation?
Furthermore, with slower global economic growth in the years ahead due to the U.S. consumer saving spree, worldwide financial deleveragings, low commodity prices, increased government regulation and protectionism, excess global capacity will probably be a chronic problem.
Responses like those of the NSS are part of the knock - on effect that church schools may feel, and could result both in wider public scrutiny and increased government regulation.
With the introduction of the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), there has been increased government regulation, as well as consumer awareness, treating beer as a food product.
Other factors driving the movement include growing consumer awareness, increasing government regulations and continued technical advancements.
The Corolla's move upscale follows a well - worn evolutionary path that extends throughout the industry, forged in part by shifting consumer tastes and increased government regulation.
The crowd - pleasing LS6 was gone, a victim of increasing government regulations and rising insurance costs.
While this is a distinct advantage over their private peers, publicly traded companies are also subject to increased government regulation, in the form of increased financial disclosure.
One explanation, they found, may have more to do with conservatives» general opposition to the most popular solution — increasing government regulation — than with any difference in fear of the climate change problem itself, as some have proposed.
Increased government regulation and official certification of recyclers both help make this possible.
He said the threats came from the possibility of increased government regulation and further fiascos over how the company handles its users» personal information.
Facebook shares sank $ 13.43 in midday trading, putting the stock on pace for its biggest one - day fall since August 2012 and dragging down the rest of the technology sector, with fears rising of increased government regulation.
Prices of digital tokens have tumbled this year amid rising concern of increased government regulation and even outright bans.
Lenders implemented tighter lending standards in recent years, and appraisers must be able to conduct independent and impartial valuations due to increased government regulations.
Competitive forces are causing owners, developers and investors to rebalance their portfolios, rethink how they find the right deals and reinvent how they do business amid technological disruption and increasing government regulation.
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