Sentences with phrase «increased legislation»

With increased legislation and higher demand from consumers for healthy products, vending has shifted into a way of helping people make healthier decisions throughout their day.
The clear message was that while most people support increased legislation to protect the marine environment, they felt that the government was not doing enough to enforce the existing laws.
Facing the threat of increased legislation, many citizens respond by ramping up their gun and ammunition purchases.
He said earlier this month in a hearing before the Senate Banking Committee that federal financial agencies may ask Congress for increased legislation on cryptocurrency - related operations.
The budget includes reconciliation instructions for not more than $ 1.5 trillion of deficit - increasing legislation from the Senate Finance Committee (likely for tax reform) and savings of at least $ 1 billion in future legislation from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
The only result the industry will experience from its continued self - serving demands is increased animosity from the investing public, followed by the very increased legislation and regulation the industry seeks to avoid... I am appalled by the industry's position, behavior and tactics regarding this issue.
Democrats have a wide majority in the Assembly, which previously approved the minimum wage increase legislation.
Facing the threat of increased legislation, many citizens respond by ramping up their gun and ammunition -LSB-...]
Because of the resistance of the public to ever - increasing legislation, intrusive government «snooping», and more taxation.
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