Sentences with phrase «increased medical costs»

It is also causing many people go deal with increased medical costs and longer hospital stays.
With patients affected by the disease living longer, the report also highlights increasing medical costs associated with kidney disease.
You'll also have to consider the likelihood of increased medical costs and health insurance as you grow older.
Colorado law limits the amount you can recover in a medical malpractice lawsuit, because excessive damage awards increase medical costs for everyone.
In a new report, federal investigators concluded that there are serious problems with inaccurate medical tests — and found that many are leading to unnecessary surgeries, abortions, and drugs, as well as increased medical costs.
Basic coverage is quite limited so you may want to increase your medical costs coverage limits
Depending on how cold the present 30 - year cooling period gets, in addition to the higher death rates, we will have to contend with diminished growing seasons and increasing crop failures with food shortages in third world countries, increasing energy demands, changing environments, increasing medical costs from diseases (especially flu), increasing transportation costs and interruptions, and many other ramifications associated with colder climate.
This has led to extreme delays and unfounded denials for medical treatment for injured workers, which in turn increases medical costs for insurance companies due to aggravation of medical conditions; this could be alleviated if an injured worker was provided with appropriate and timely medical care.
As a general rule of thumb, premiums that are based on both age and increased medical costs typically increase faster and at a steeper rate than other premiums.
The state of Nevada has increasing medical costs so carrying more than the minimum coverage is always good idea.
Car accidents chew up a lot of resources and increase medical costs for all of us substantially, because not everyone is well insured, and hospitals must deal with the injured regardless.
Basic coverage is quite limited so you may want to increase your medical costs coverage limits
With increased medical costs and a change in lifestyle, health is the biggest asset for human being which gets affected and the same needs to be taken care of as the saying goes «Health is Wealth».
While the companies promote these partnerships to employers and consumers as one - stop shopping, they could also put customers at a disadvantage by limiting their choices and increasing medical costs.
Mike Marsh, BJOG Deputy Editor - in - chief said: «Unintended pregnancy has been linked to poor prenatal care, high risk pregnancy behaviours, increased rates of preterm birth and low birth rate, poor social outcomes in childhood and increased medical costs.
The progressive condition can lead to bone fractures, increased medical costs, reduced quality of life and even death.»
«The average cost per claim nationally has risen more than 67 percent from 2003 to 2014, due to increased medical costs as well as the size of settlements, judgments and jury awards given to plaintiffs, which are still on the upswing,» says Loretta Worters, vice president with the New York City - based insurance group.
Perhaps you are struggling to pay for your repayments, have encountered a change in lifestyle such as a loss of job or increased medical costs or you want to dedicate your income to other priorities.
Because of high deductibles, large out - of - pocket maximums and increasing medical costs, any of us could be facing thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills.
You don't want to get caught in a debt spiral because you're unable to work at the same time you have increasing medical costs.
While some expenses might disappear, like a mortgage or costs for transportation to and from work, new expenses may arise, such as travel, help with home maintenance, and increased medical costs.
That figure has undoubtedly skyrocketed in the 13 years since the CDC's report, considering both increasing medical costs and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At Jacqueline A. Scott & Associates, we help clients who have been injured by defective medical devices bring medical malpractice claims that compensate them for their pain and suffering, and reimburse them for increased medical costs caused by their injuries.
From 2003 to 2011, the cost of the average dog bite claim increased by 53.4 % from $ 19,162 to $ 23, 396 — attributed to increased medical costs and size of settlements, judgments and jury awards given to plaintiffs.
Health insurance has become an important element in one's life owing to increasing medical costs these days and uncertain environment.
Increasing medical costs, more frequent accidents and more severe accidents, as well as rampant fraud have made it impossible for the system to keep its car insurance rates from climbing, let alone decrease them.
One of the main reasons for the increased medical costs is the emergence of private sector hospitals built with borrowed funds and the use of expensive non-invasive medical procedures.
The representative of Apollo Munich Health Insurance said «The tax exemption limit on the health insurance would go a long way in motivating the people to consider higher sum insured policies to confront the increasing medical cost.
Create a chart, highlighting affordable premiums, increasing medical costs, and then conclude which policy to buy.
Critical Illness Rider: You can protect against the increasing medical cost.
This rider will help you to protect against the increasing medical cost.
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