Sentences with phrase «increased neural»

The results of this study suggest that although increased neural response to rejection appears to be normative across adolescence, this response is particularly heightened among youth with depression.
Jennifer S. Silk, Greg J. Siegle, Kyung Hwa Lee, Eric E. Nelson, Laura R. Stroud, Ronald E. Dahl; Increased neural response to peer rejection associated with adolescent depression and pubertal development, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Volume 9, Issue 11, 1 November 2014, Pages 1798 — 1807,
We further hypothesized that youth more advanced in pubertal development would show increased neural response to peer rejection and acceptance (above and beyond the effects of age) in regions involved in social and affective processing.
He really means that increased neural activity in these areas of the brain is correlated with certain behavioral and cognitive phenomena, which actually means only that such activity tends to occur at about the same time as the behavioral and cognitive phenomena.
Ultimately, it is logical that increased neural drive does contribute to gains in maximal strength after training with heavy loads, but there really is not a lot of research to rest that theory upon.
We found that breakfast skipping led to increased neural activation in brain regions controlling food motivation and food reward (i.e., hippocampus, amygdala, anterior cingulate, and parahippocampus) prior to lunch; however, the addition of a protein - rich breakfast led to reduced activation in these regions.
Therefore, the effects of increased neural drive on improved maximum strength are unlikely to transfer to faster sprint times by as much as they will to tests of maximum strength, although there may be some cross-over effect.
Although increased neural drive is believed to contribute to the greater gains in strength after training with heavy loads compared to after training with lighter loads, it is unlikely that this would benefit sprinting ability.
Therefore, the effects of increased neural drive on improved maximum strength will probably not transfer to faster COD times by as much as they will to tests of maximum strength, although there will likely be a more substantial cross-over effect than for linear sprinting.
Although increased neural drive is believed to contribute to the greater gains in strength after training with heavy loads compared to after training with lighter loads, it is unclear to what extent that this would benefit COD ability.
The fMRI measures blood flow for instance, which is an indicator of increased neural activity.
Deactivation refers to increased neural activity during low - demand tasks or rest compared with high - demand tasks.
We found increased neural activity in the visual cortex, and decreased medial prefrontal activity, when participants made more fixations to the videos.
Male rodents given access to a running wheel early in life show increased neural activity and improved memory as adults.
The rats all developed two separate fears, one for each tone, which showed up in brain scans as increased neural activity in the amygdala, a part of the brain directly related to fear.
It is plausible that some MB neurons that receive thermal information from peripheral neurons expressing TRP channels and / or other MB neurons expressing TRP channels themselves are responsible for the increased neural activity in the MBs of heat - exposed workers.
Dopamine - rich regions in the brains of the «relapsed» rats showed chemical signs of increased neural firing.
The findings suggest that increased neural noise may play a role in the psychosis - like effects of cannabis.
«At doses roughly equivalent to half or a single joint, ∆ 9 - THC produced psychosis - like effects and increased neural noise in humans,» explained senior author Dr. Deepak Cyril D'Souza, a Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine.
The experiments used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure increased blood flow throughout the brain, a marker of increased neural activity, during a wide range of activities, including finger - tapping, whistling, chewing, drawing, writing, reading, watching a movie and playing video games and memory games.
The team also speculates that being born with underdeveloped brains may contribute to our increased neural plasticity.
They used a somewhat bizarre technique in which two mice were sutured together in such as way that they shared a circulatory system (known as parabiosis), and found old mice joined to their youthful counterparts showed changes in gene activity in a brain region called the hippocampus as well as increased neural connections and enhanced «synaptic plasticity» — a mechanism believed to underlie learning and memory in which the strength of neural connections change in response to experience.
Rather than disc degeneration being the sole explanation for pain persistence, increased neural activity can manifest as pain hypersensitivity.
When patients in the study heard the voice of a family member calling their names out loud and reciting stories while they were in an MRI, their brains showed increased neural activity.
When patients like Godfrey Catanus in the study heard the voice of a family member calling their names out loud and reciting stories while they were in an MRI, their brains showed increased neural activity.
«AIH stimulates the synthesis and release of specific spinal proteins that increase neural plasticity and improve muscle contractions.
This type of training volume and duration increases the neural activation and slightly increases the body temperature, warming up the body just enough for the upcoming workout.
Caffeine prepares us for action and improves productivity, by increasing the neural firing and stimulating the pituitary gland to produce more adrenaline.
The one - arm dumbell bench press is a great exercise for developing balance as well as increasing neural drive to one side of the body, similar to like when doing a one - arm dumbell row.
Without getting too sciencey on you, stimulating NGF increases brain function by reducing inflammation + increasing neural growth and overall brain health.
This is going to improve your strength in the regular SLDL and conventional deadlift by increasing the neural drive and connective tissue strength in the hamstrings and glutes.
From a neuromuscular standpoint, functional programs increase the neural drive to the muscles, improve the synchronization of motor units, increase the activation of contractile apparatus, and decrease inhibition of protective mechanisms of muscle.
Take a typical strength / power athlete like a gymnast / long jumper / weightlifter: they will train every day or more, a very high intensity, they will not chase muscle damage and they will typically use recovery aids like icing, so the next training session they'll be able to train very hard and increase their neural capabilities.
This could be because the main way in which the central nervous system signals the muscle to contract at a faster velocity is through a higher level of rate coding (Pasquet et al. 2006), while the main mechanism for increasing neural drive in response to a different muscle length is a reduced motor unit recruitment threshold (Pasquet et al. 2005).

Not exact matches

Developing and connecting different parts of our brain (neural integration) increases wisdom, helps us manage uncertainty and complexity and improves the quality of our relationships and increases our well being.
In convolutional neural networks, the goal is to train the machine to recognize the changes in weights between those connections so it can tell with increasing accuracy if the image matches.
It helps signals move faster around the neural network, and in two important areas of the brain, the frontal and temporal lobes, myelin levels increase with age, peaking on average around age 50 and in some people continuing to rise into their 60s.
In fact, according to researchers Laura Glynn and Curt Sandman, the volume of gray matter (or number of neural cell bodies) increases in the above regions in new mothers and is associated with their positive feelings toward their infants.
The loss of breastfeeding not only contributes to increased illness but also damages normal development, especially brain and neural development.
These include increased prevalence of a range of infectious diseases and health conditions — ear infections, gastrointestinal infections respiratory infections, necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, meningitis, diabetes, childhood cancers, obesity, allergies — formula fed infants grow and develop differently from breastmilk fed infants, including cognitive and neural development.
Holding baby on your skin increases the development of essential neural pathways, which accelerates brain maturation.
In fact, a 2015 study evaluating the prevalence of neural tube defects such as anencephaly in Europe, found that there has not been any reduction in the incidence of these defects, despite widespread recommendations to increase folic acid which have been in place for several decades.
Be sure to take one that includes folic acid, a vitamin that can prevent neural - tube birth defects like spina bifida, as well as lowering the risk of placental abruption and preeclampsia, two conditions that can contribute to an increased risk of premature labor and delivery.
Other research indicates that teenage marijuana use may adversely impact the developing brain: it has been linked to changes in neural structure and function, including lower IQ, as well as an increased risk of psychosis in vulnerable individuals.
The latest findings show that genetic defects in the body's ability to manufacture carnitine might be associated with an increased risk of autism because carnitine deficiency interferes with the normal processes by which neural stem cells promote and organize embryonic and fetal brain development.
Such a decrease reflects an increase in neural activity, suggesting that their mirror systems are activated more strongly (Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1093 / scan / nsr016).
The experience of winning drives neural changes that increase aggression and desire, say the authors.
They found that one month after training, the children showed increased activation in the intraparietal sulcus and reduced neural activation elsewhere in the parietal lobes — a hint that their improvements in arithmetic were related to changes involving brain areas that respond to number.
Our neural fear module increases our ability to detect motionless snakes, even when we are unaware that we have seen them.
Increased brain activation required by MS patients on warmer days to perform a simple task may signify neural inefficiency.»
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