Sentences with phrase «increased urbanization»

Ku, W. Solecki, J. Cox, C. Small, C. Rosenzweig, R. Goldberg, K. Knowlton, and P. Kinney, 2007: Estimating the effects of increased urbanization on surface meteorology and ozone concentrations in the New York City metropolitan region.
Future growth in population and GDP, for instance, will be constrained in surprising ways - by rapid fertility decline as result of increased urbanization, productivity decline as a result of social unrest, and continuing poverty among the poorest 2 billion world citizens.
With a focus on addressing global megatrends such as demographic and social needs, increased urbanization and climate change, BASF works to increase the proportion of its products and solutions that make an extensive sustainability contribution along the value chain.
Pile on to that things like increased urbanization, doing stupid stuff like placing the instrument next to the hot outlet of an air cooling system, etc., ad infinitum, ad naseum.
People who consider human activity to have a direct impact on climate generally take the stance that increased urbanization leads to more sunlight being absorbed by the planet (making it warmer).
However, by comparing the difference between all the Eastern China land stations to the nearby ocean temperatures, the 2008 paper did find significant warming from increased urbanization on the land — 0.1 degrees Celsius per decade between 1951 and 2004.
In view of the many local studies that show exactly the opposite trend, it is very hard to imagine anything that could make increased urbanization lead to cooling.
Johnston is more skeptical of the lasting potential of the trend, as he said he believes it is the result of increased urbanization and pricier land costs, which drive up home prices.
-- Increased urbanization and land use changes since WWII as a possible partial cause of warming of global surface temperature over land.
Urban heat islands, combined with an aging population and increased urbanization, are projected to increase the vulnerability of urban populations to heat - related health impacts in the future (Ch.
In the long run, much of the economic growth of developed economies is likely to involve less energy - intensive sectors because of demand - side factors such as 1) the amount of stuff people can physically manage is limited (even with rented storage space), 2) migration to areas where the weather is more moderate will continue, 3) increased urbanization and population density reduces energy consumption per capita, 4) there is a lot of running room to decrease the energy consumption of our electronic devices (e.g., switching to clockless microprocessors, not that I'm predicting that specific innovation), 5) telecommunication will substitute for transportation on the margin, 6) cheaper and better data acquisition and processing will enable less wasteful routing and warehousing of material goods, and 7) aging populations will eventually reduce the total amount (local plus distant) of travel per person per year.
that the sharp increasing in nighttime relative to decreasing daytime tempeartures in the Valley relative to the Sierras is largely due to irrigation and increased urbanization?
Increased urbanization just might help our energy / climate problems as much or more than hybrid automobiles and the like.
Increased urbanization is caused mostly by rural migrants.
Rapid population growth, increased urbanization and rising per capita income in emerging markets is driving two important trends, which in large measure, drive Zoetis» growth strategy:
The number of cases has been increasing worldwide, and this may be due to the increased urbanization and contact with wildlife hosts, such as raccoons, skunks, opossums and rodents.
Urban heat islands, combined with an aging population and increased urbanization, are projected to increase the vulnerability of urban populations to heat - related health impacts in the future (Ch.
The reason is not certain, but increased urbanization may play a role.
«These fragile habitats are threatened by increased urbanization, recreation, and climate change.
Dominquez - Bello, along with Jean Ruiz and colleagues, discovered that they could predict the functional spaces of homes just by analyzing the microbial samples, and that these predictions became more accurate with increased urbanization.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine wrote a brief history of the C - section and stated, «it was only with increased urbanization and the growth of hospitals that the operation began to be performed routinely.
This near - term drive for growth, coupled with longer - term trends of increasing urbanization and a growing middle class, will require greater and greater quantities of the wood, metals and minerals and other goods and services that Canada has to offer.
Protestantism's struggle to minister adequately to the needs created by increasing urbanization continues.
Global Savory Snacks market is set to grow, driven by increasing urbanization levels and growing demand from developing countries.
Other factors include declining mortality rates and increasing urbanization.
«This work makes us think that increasing urbanization and rising temperatures associated with global climate change could lead to increases in scale insect populations, which could have correspondingly negative effects on trees like the red maple,» Dale says.
However, rapidly aging infrastructure, population growth, and increasing urbanization call into question current urban water management strategies, especially in the fast - growing urban areas in Asia and Africa.
To their surprise they found that this happened in High Middle Ages, around 1000 A.D. Intriguingly these strong selection pressures coincided with increasing urbanization and Christian edicts that enforced fasting and the exclusion of four legged animals from the menu.
This is partly due to climate change, but in particular, increasing urbanization.
Sun adds, «With the fast growth of China's economy, and increasing urbanization, this trend is likely to continue in the next few decades.»
While a great deal of research has explored the economic, political and environmental issues that will be affected by increasing urbanization, far less has examined how this trend has impacted China from a social standpoint.
«The primary threat to the Key Largo woodrat,» explains a 1999 USFWS report (which, admittedly, includes feral cats among the «other threats associated with human encroachment»), «is habitat loss and fragmentation caused by increasing urbanization
Because the same juggernaut forces are operating: increasing urbanization, smaller and costly housing, expanding higher education and career opportunities for women, high financial costs and time pressures for childrearing and changing attitudes and life styles.
The major «green» benefit of increasing urbanization would be the reduction of suburban commute patterns, and there's no guarantee that this is the direction we're heading.
Economic growth and increasing urbanization of emerging economies such as India's have been accompanied by a rise in ambient air pollution levels, especially in urban areas.1 However, the...
The number of species projected to survive in these refugia (Fig. 4, E through H) depends critically on the ability to disperse, highlighting the importance of landscape connectivity and potential restoration in the face of increasing urbanization, land use change, and disturbance.
I would surmise that increasing urbanization on the areas sloping up to the west from the station could be the primary cause of the warming trend and not the heat pump exchangers.
The Dongjiang basin, which provides nearly 80 percent of Hong Kong's water supply, has suffered water shortages due to the region's increasing urbanization and industrialization.
All high - income nations are predominantly urban and increasing urbanization levels are strongly associated with economic growth.
I also think that increasing urbanization would affect this factor, as urban surfaces would get hotter than the air temperature during the day and would not be as likely to cool at night to a temperature below the air temperature because they started out hotter at sundown and they have more thermal mass.
Similar to what has happened in China and India, the agricultural sectors in these countries are expected to decline as a share of the economy, while their construction industries grow to accommodate increasing urbanization.
Another paper in Climate Change in 2007 stated: Studies that have looked at hemispheric and global scales conclude that any urban - related trend is an order of magnitude smaller than decadal and longer time - scale trends evident in the series (e.g., Jones et al., 1990; Peterson et al., 1999)... Thus, the global land warming trend discussed is very unlikely to be influenced significantly by increasing urbanization (Parker, 2006).
This is particularly striking given the increasing urbanization of the U.S. and the consequent «non climatic» warming that creeps into previously pristine records...
A new study in Nature Geoscience, conducted by scientists at Columbia, Rutgers, and South Dakota State universities, shows that in the main causes of deforestation in developing nations are no longer small - scale rural agriculture but rather increasing urbanization and expansion of export - led agriculture: Study lead author Ruth DeFries of Columbia University's Earth Institute:
Increasing urbanization is making life tough for many birds, beneficial insects, and other species by fragmenting their natural habitats.
Especially since 2002 is the warmest (at least globally with the GHCN - ERSST data) I prefer to look at 1880 -LRB--.2) to 2006 (+.3) off global mean for the period and it's clear to see the trend globally going from -.4 to +.3 The only questions then left are what is the meaning (and / or import) of the sudden changes since 1980, what changing a total of.005 C a year during the period means, what impact does increasing urbanization globally and additional industrialization in places like India and China contribute, why the drop from +.6 to +.3, and why not a constant increase from year to year, given the elevated CO2 levels.
Airbus has a potential answer to the increasing traffic problem with the increasing urbanization.

Not exact matches

«This forecast is in line with medium - term supply demand fundamentals including the transition to more balanced diets, urbanization and a push to increase crop yields due to less arable land,» TD economist Sonya Gulati said.
Such speculations assume an almost automatic and inevitable urbanization stemming from material causes, a combination of increasing population density and new technologies («the agricultural revolution»).
Higher standards of living in emerging markets, urbanization and the rapid expansion of the world's middle class are driving big increases in demand for a wide variety of agri - food products, including dairy.
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