Sentences with phrase «increases productivity»

«A safe and efficiently run facility increases productivity and keeps employees feeling good about where they work.»
In the example taken from Adam Smith, the small pin factory greatly increases the productivity of labor, because the number of pins produced per worker per day rises dramatically.
Its unique approach helps members find the best specialists, navigate the health care system and get confirmed medical answers, which in turn increases productivity, reduces lost time and ensures that employees realize better outcomes
We move desks frequently, believing that it brings a new spark to the workplace, increases productivity and boosts morale.
Some of the highly lauded pros are that remote work decreases absences, increases productivity and saves money.
It's important that I am there for her when needed having the flexibility allows my creative talents to flow which increases productivity needed for work.
Obviously, from a bottom - line perspective, having healthy employees is more cost - effective because it lowers health care costs and increases productivity.
Scheduling time blocks of uninterrupted work increases productivity.
It teaches you how to kill your job and design a life, the 80/20 rule and how it increases productivity, how to replace your dreams with goals, and more.
Working remotely increases productivity, reduces stress and saves money.
This increases productivity and decreases sick days.
This investment reduces absenteeism and turnover, and increases productivity.
While some may argue that a disorderly environment stimulates creativity, a de-cluttered workspace actually increases productivity and your company's bottom line.
They are seeing the link between healthy, fit, and recharged employees to decreased absenteeism, lower turnover rates and reduced usage of sick leave, which saves their companies tons of money and increases their productivity.
Doing exercise and meditation in the morning, each day, gives me more energy and increases productivity throughout the day.»
Since employees are committed to doing right by the company, we've found that our non-policy actually increases productivity.
Delegating work to an assistant not only increases your productivity, it empowers you to actively experience life beyond your work day.
But a good session increases productivity and facilitates collaboration among team members.
That's more likely an advantage to many companies because it increases their productivity and revenues.
It makes work more easier and thus increases productivity.
Beyond succeeding at flying less, they tell me reducing travel reduces stress, increases productivity, and improves their lives.
It's not only good PR, volunteering increases productivity, boosts cooperation, and attracts and retains employees.
While compensation and benefits matter to workers, research from Gallup shows that zeroing in on a mission is linked to higher employee engagement, better retention rates and increased productivity.
If we opened our borders and liberalized the sector, productive farmers would expand, unproductive ones would shrink, and others would adapt, innovate, and increase their productivity in the face of stiffer competition.
For example, it lowers the price of capital equipment from foreign suppliers and allows Canadian businesses to increase productivity.
For example, chatbots are now utilized as internal - facing assistants that can increase productivity and employee satisfaction throughout a company.
Participating factories had registered positive outcomes for workers, who enjoyed improved quality of life, and their businesses — which tallied declines in absenteeism and increased productivity.
KnowledgeHound has a pretty basic solution with two compelling attributes: (1) it can save its customers (and their clients) millions of dollars, as well as enormous amounts of valuable team time, while increasing productivity; and (2) it has all the makings of a powerful platform both in terms of its basic service offerings and its ability to morph into a marketplace as well.
These products — largely innovative and pricey specialty medications that include breakthrough Hepatitis C treatments and immuno - oncology drugs — reflect the increased productivity and improved pipelines of pharma's R&D departments in recent years.
Human Resources is dedicated to providing organization and structure to their company's day to day operations, and wearable technology offers a wealth of opportunities for employee engagement, including benefit incentives, increased productivity, and enhanced safety.
Increasing productivity: getting the right information to the right people in a more efficient manner improves effectiveness.
Making your office more energy efficient, eco-friendly, and pleasant for you and your employees will increase productivity and enjoyment in the office while lessening your company's carbon footprint.
If you can't quickly show me how you're saving me time, saving me money, or increasing my productivity, I'm going to be showing you the door.
Use the below hints to manage your emails more effectively and increase your productivity.
This easy rule increased my productivity a lot.
As the American workplace evolves, more and more companies are thinking of ways to increase productivity without reducing the caliber and engagement of their teams.
Most of us aspire to conquer more and more work in less and less time, but since none of us can cram more hours into the day (despite our best efforts), increasing our productivity is the best we can do.
So think of various gamification ideas that will work in your business to engage your colleagues and increase their productivity.
This trend became huge, and people dug up examples of great minds like Earnest Hemingway using them as a justification that they increased productivity and were somehow healthy.
Part of increasing productivity in the workplace is ensuring you get off to the right start.
Another reason for going paperless is increased productivity, which is our focus here.
As you consider your home office space, I recommend adding easy - to - grow office plants like Pothos, Peace Lilies, and Parlor Palms which can help to purify the air, add depth and beauty to your workspace, and which may increase productivity by up to 14 % according to this study.
«The Pomodoro Technique and FocusBooster are very effective for individuals and their increased productivity will have an overall benefit on a company,» she says.
Rewards and incentives are also a great way to increase productivity in the workplace — if they know they have a chance of being rewarded with, for example, a small bonus for their hard work, they will be much more driven as they will have something to work towards.
Study after study shows that you'll more than make up for the time you lose snoozing with your increased productivity after you wake up.
Though the exact terms varied across reports, essentially the changes were aimed at increasing productivity in farming collectives by allowing them to keep a greater share of their harvest.
Second, naps increase productivity.
If you've got all this increased productivity, you need to make sure that's distributed fairly but I think that's more of a political issue than a technical one.
That encouraged ease of interaction and better coordination of their efforts, but it also cashed out for the company in terms of increasing its productivity while lowering costs.
Whether it's flex time, work - from - home policies or ongoing education programs, there's plenty of evidence that more soft - edged approaches to managing your employees time can pay off big time for increased productivity and retention.
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