Sentences with phrase «increases seawater»

The reaction increases seawater acidity and increases the hydrogen ion activity, thus lowering seawater pH. pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity, so that a 1 - unit change in pH is equivalent to a 10-fold change in H +.
The uptake of fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) by the ocean increases seawater acidity and causes a decline in carbonate ion concentrations.
Despite their importance, corals face a range of grave risks today, from bleaching triggered by increasing seawater temperatures, to sediment loads caused by terrestrial erosion from land development, to predation by crown - of - thorns starfish.
During the entire period of simulation, net reef calcification decreased although increasing seawater temperature mitigated effects of reduced CO2 emission and the resulting decrease of the pH values on reef calcification.
The findings could help predict the response of coral reefs to the stress of increasing seawater temperatures and acidity, helping conservation scientists preserve coral reef health and high biodiversity.
You know, for a little while there I even thought that Bob T himself (who is undoubtedly an interesting fellow) might even be sharp enough to appreciate that the coupling of increased atmospheric CO2 and increased seawater N nutrient levels to produce enhanced cyanobacterial productivity in near surface layers of the oceans would also produce the weather - moderating effects listed above (particularly in the areas where tropical storms are «brewed»).

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A boost in production can not happen without a substantial increase in water supply, and since Iraq has scarce freshwater resources, processed seawater is the only option.
As the underwater pressure increased, the seawater crushed the sub's heavy steel bulkheads as if they were made of cheap plastic.
If the trend continues, the islands could experience increased flooding and erosion, and seawater could intrude into freshwater aquifers.
What he will share is part of his strategy for growing hefty hydrates: Increase the concentration of gas to saturate the seawater.
To make matters worse, German and Japanese researchers recently increased CO2 levels in seawater and found that the greenhouse gas can damage some marine organisms directly: Squid slowly asphyxiated as the excess CO2 crowded out oxygen in their blood, and fish embryos and larvae were abnormally small and less likely to survive.
As a result, seawater poured into the emptying pores and the salinity of the water increased until it was often undrinkable.
Now, warming seawater intruding underneath has loosened the glaciers» grip on bedrock, speeding their flow toward the sea and causing increasing amounts of ice to break off into the ocean.
It's a thin water mass that exchanges carbon dioxide rapidly with the atmosphere above, causing carbon dioxide and acidity to increase in the meltwater on top of the seawater,» said Cai.
Schuiling says that before the Red Sea is tapped for power, experts would have to weigh the pros (reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on oil) and cons (the disruption to local marine life and increase in salinity of the remaining seawater as well as the impact on tourism and transportation).
As atmospheric CO2 levels increase from burning fossil fuels, this carbon dioxide is soaked up by seawater and makes the oceans more acidic.
It also finds the ocean's pH has remained fairly moderate, gradually increasing from a slightly acidic initial value of about 6.6, through the neutral value of 7.0, to today's slightly alkaline seawater of about 8.1.
The increase could be due to a combination of stronger winds spreading out the sea ice and fresh water from melting ice on land diluting seawater so it freezes at higher temperatures.
That feature allows the bones to rotate, broadening the lower jaw and thereby increasing the volume of seawater that can be taken in a single gulp.
However, this process also increases the acidity of seawater and can affect the health of marine organisms and the ocean ecosystem.
«Simulated seawater flooding significantly increased leaf Na and Cl concentration of all tested vegetables, but decreased leaf K concentrations in broccoli, chinese cabbage, eggplant, kale, spinach, and tomato and Ca concentrations in broccoli, kale, radish, and «Red Crunchy» radish.»
Crop production in coastal areas is threatened by seawater intrusion, which increases soil salinity.
Despite the rising sea level and therefore increasing pressure, the simulation showed that towards the end of the ice age large amounts of gas hydrate became unstable and the released gas escaped through the sediment to the seawater.
Most Antarctic researchers chalk this up to warm seawater melting the floating ice shelves at their bases; seawater temperatures there have risen since the 1970s, in part because of global temperature increases.
Basic chemistry teaches that dissolving carbon dioxide in seawater will increase acidity.
Tiny fossils suggest that increased concentrations of dissolved metals in seawater preceded an ancient die - off
The event also produced a dramatic increase in sulfate and nitrate — the only nutrients the microorganisms would have needed to survive in their seawater mud environment — which the scientists say enabled the bacteria to thrive and multiply.
The amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater is increasing due to fossil fuel emissions.
«The other carbon dioxide problem», «the evil twin of global warming», or part of a «deadly trio», together with increasing temperatures and loss of oxygen: Many names have been coined to describe the problem of ocean acidification — a change in the ocean chemistry that occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere dissolves in seawater.
These videos produced by Plymouth Marine Laboratory provide information about ocean acidification and raises awareness of the implications associated with increasing levels of carbon dioxide and changes in seawater pH levels.
Sea level rise has two primary components: the expansion in volume of seawater with increased temperature and the addition of water in ocean basins from the melting of land - locked ice, including Antarctica and Greenland.
The researchers analysed resting and active jumping oxygen consumption rates in snails exposed to seawater at the normal temperature of 29 °C and at the increased temperature of 34 °C, projected to be reached during the next 100 years due to global warming.
They were able to maintain this strong increase in oxygen uptake even when the seawater temperature was increased to 37 °C — a temperature at which coral reef fish can not even survive for a short time.»
Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) causes pronounced shifts in marine carbonate chemistry and a decrease in seawater pH. Increasing evidence indicates that these changes — summarized by the term ocean acidification (OA)-- can significantly affect marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles.
Therefore, scientists assumed that their growth will be impaired if less carbonate ions are available due to increasing ocean acidification and a decreasing seawater pH.
Rising CO2 emissions, and the increasing acidity of seawater over the next century, has the potential to devastate some marine ecosystems, a food resource on which we rely, and so careful monitoring of changes in ocean acidity is crucial.
As CO2 reacts with seawater, it generates dramatic changes in carbonate chemistry, including decreases in pH and carbonate ions and an increase in bicarbonate ions.
Rising seawater temperatures and increased nutrient concentrations could lead to a decline of the bladder wrack Fucus vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea in the future, according to experiments conducted by marine scientists from Kiel and Rostock.
About BIOACID: Since 2009, more than 250 BIOACID scientists from 20 German research institutes have investigated how different marine organisms respond to ocean acidification and increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater, how their performance is affected during their various life stages, how these reactions impact marine food webs and elemental cycles and whether they can be mitigated by evolutionary adaptation.
Swimming helps to increase your blood circulation while the magnesium and bromide rich seawater restores essential minerals depleted by stress - relaxing muscles.
There is of course a lot of uncertainty about the details, that affect the melt rates, we just don't know how quickly warmer seawater will undercut floating glaciers, and buildup of darker older snow / ice layers will increase the amount of absorbed sun light.
While Eckert et al. (2013) propose a decreased seawater input or increased river input as potential causes, van der Meer et al. (2008), in contrast, suggest that the absence of a shallow chemocline can be best explained by the high sea - surface salinity at the time.
Since seawater absorption is nonzero at many wavelengths, increased atmospheric back - radiation due to a heightened greenhouse gases would inevitably warm the ocean, just as it warms the land.
Biologists Record Increasing Amounts of Plastic Litter in the Arctic Deep Sea Need a plastic which decomposes in seawater.
As runoff from melting glaciers increases and warming seawater expands, sea level could rise as much as six feet, inundating low - lying coastal areas and islands.
Increasing the temperature of sea water (70 % of the planet) causes seawater CO2 to evolve out and makes sea water more ACID.
Or we could try to increase the reflectivity of clouds by, say, spraying seawater into the atmosphere.
«There had already been publications and reports on the increasing acidification — technically, decreasing alkalinity since seawater is has an average pH of more than 8.0, and the predicted drop in pH will not take seawater below the neutral pH of 7.
The increased levels of carbonic acid in the water means there are less carbonate ions available in seawater for making shells, meaning that thousands of species that build shells or skeletons from calcium carbonate are in danger of extinction.
There is a similar acidification of the seawater and increase in intracellular pH when sea urchin eggs are exposed to NH4Cl or procaine.
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