Sentences with phrase «increases under the high emissions scenarios»

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«Under a high emissions scenario, where we don't make significant changes to our fossil fuel use, applications could increase by 188 percent — nearly tripling.»
For example, stormwater across the city of Milwaukee recently showed high human fecal pathogen levels at all 45 outflow locations, indicating widespread sewage contamination.87 One study estimated that increased storm events will lead to an increase of up to 120 % in combined sewer overflows into Lake Michigan by 2100 under a very high emissions scenario (A1FI), 57 leading to additional human health issues and beach closures.
Model projections for precipitation changes are less certain than those for temperature.12, 2 Under a higher emissions scenario (A2), global climate models (GCMs) project average winter and spring precipitation by late this century (2071 - 2099) to increase 10 % to 20 % relative to 1971 - 2000, while changes in summer and fall are not expected to be larger than natural variations.
These range from decreases of 10 - 15 % over much of the industrialized Northern Hemisphere for the mid-range scenario to CO increases worldwide under the high - emission projection, with the largest changes over central Africa (20 - 30 %), southern Brazil (25 - 40 %) and South and East Asia (20 - 50 %).
And the risk of rapid ice sheet losses increases substantially under higher emissions scenarios.
Maps show projected change in average surface air temperature in the later part of this century (2071 - 2099) relative to the later part of the last century (1970 - 1999) under a scenario that assumes substantial reductions in heat trapping gases (B1) and a higher emissions scenario that assumes continued increases in global emissions (A2).
Projections of future summer mean WBGT under the RCP8.5 emissions scenario that are constrained by observations indicate that by 2030s at least 50 % of the summers will have mean WBGT higher than the observed historical record value in all the analyzed regions, and that this frequency of occurrence will increase to 95 % by mid-century.
The research, led by Australian researchers from the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, predicts that Australia's national average temperature will increase by 2.8 - 5.1 °C by 2090 in a high emissions scenario, compared to 0.6 - 1.7 °C under a low global emissions scenario.
2: Our Changing Climate, Key Messages 5 and 6).4, 10 A range of model projections for the end of this century under a higher emissions scenario (A2), averaged over the region, suggests about 5 % to 20 % (25th to 75th percentile of model projections) increases in winter precipitation.
Including the effects of physical mechanisms that can quickly increase ice sheet discharge significantly raises sea level rise projections under high - emission scenarios.
In considering the full range of IPCC scenarios, global net emissions would need to begin in approximately 2070 under scenarios seeking to keep temperature increases at the possible lowest levels, and progressively later for high - temperature stabilization levels;
In the graph below, the black line shows the increase in plant growth the IPCC models project under a high - emissions scenario.
But what these figures do not take into account is that if this happens the administration will still be required to begin the process of reducing carbon emissions under the auspices of the Clean Air Act, thus increasing the likelihood that we will reach the high - end scenario.
The change in the number of people under high water stress after the 2050s greatly depends on emissions scenario: substantial increase is projected for the A2 scenario; the speed of increase will be slower for the A1 and B1 emissions scenarios because of the global increase of renewable freshwater resources and the slight decrease in population (Oki and Kanae, 2006).
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