Sentences with phrase «increasing ecological deficit»

The increasing ecological deficit is primarily a result of an increased Ecological Footprint, the majority of which comes from the carbon Footprint.

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Germany appears to be closing its ecological deficit, primarily by reducing its per capita carbon Footprint and increasing crop biocapacity at the same time.
If we could apply this «fix», it would certainly increase our estimates of ecological deficits.
Despite Blomqvist et al.'s reservations, Footprint results show that: (1) most countries are in ecological deficit, increasingly dependent on potentially unreliable trade in biocapacity; (2) humanity is at or beyond global carrying capacity for key categories of consumption, particularly agriculture (factoring in soil loss and ecosystem degradation would reveal additional deficits); (3) global carbon waste sinks are overflowing; and (4) the aggregate metabolism of the human economy exceeds the regenerative capacity of the ecosphere (and the ratio is increasing).
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