Sentences with phrase «increasing mucus production»

Chinese medicine has long considered dairy to be the most congesting, inflammatory food group, increasing mucus production and hindering digestion.
The results of Loke's new case study — the most recent of only five studies that investigate helminthic therapy in people instead of animals — suggest that helminths may ease the symptoms of autoimmune diseases by increasing mucus production.
Respiratory irritants, which cause inflammation and increase mucus production, make the airways more susceptible to injury and allergens, as well as trigger and exacerbate such conditions as asthma, allergies, sinus problems, and other respirator disorders.
To support these observations the authors provided a plausible and testable mechanism to explain why a certain type of milk (A1) could increase mucus production in a subgroup of people who have increased intestinal permeability.
Those foods most likely to increase mucus production and further stress a child's already weak digestive system are: dairy, soy (especially overly processed soy products), commercial formulas, wheat and most flour products, baby cereals and commercial cereals, thick, creamy and heavy foods, processed grains, juice, soda, refined sugars, processed foods, fried foods / oils, multiple food choices at a time and overfeeding
No pro-inflammatory foods (dairy, some gluten foods, wheat, refined grains, sugar); they increase mucus production.

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The increased production of mucus during teething can make your baby more prone to ear infections.
An underlying respiratory disease such as; asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis modifies these mechanisms by reducing the function of beating cilia and increasing the production of mucus.
A high concentration of 8 - iso is thought to increase airway responsiveness, and can increase the production of mucus and cause contraction of the airway muscles, making it difficult to breathe.
Some of the herbs act on the secretion of cervical mucus to facilitate the sperm journey to the fallopian tubes; others stimulate the uterus, or increase the production of the hormone progesterone in the luteal phase.
This may explain why «a subgroup of the population who have increased respiratory tract mucus production, find that many of their symptoms, including asthma, improve on a dairy elimination diet.»
For instance, reduced production of mucus in the digestive tract might increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancers, bowel diseases, and entry of infectious pathogens through the gut.
Feline asthma is a disorder of the lower airways, called bronchi and bronchioles, in which inflammation causes increased production of mucus, spasms of the airways and difficulty moving air out of the airways.
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