Sentences with phrase «increasing social hostility»

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«Compared with other regions, sub-Saharan Africa experienced the largest increases in both government restrictions and social hostilities involving religion in 2015,» Pew stated.
Sixteen countries had significant changes; of those, 12 saw increases in social hostility and four saw decreases.
The National Catholic Reporter: Bishops told religious liberty is in growing «global crisis» There is an increasing «global crisis» of «government restrictions on religion and social hostilities toward religion,» an expert on religious liberty told the U.S. bishops Wednesday during their spring national meeting in Atlanta.
Prior research has shown that social rejection is linked to increases in negative emotions, distress, and hostility.
Social hostilities and physical conflicts arising from religion is increasing over the last few years.
According to the Pew Research Center, social hostilities involving religion is increasing worldwide over the last six years.7
Bonding social capital that increases distrust on people outside one's social group results in more exclusivity and even hostility; it works against planetary stability and peace.
Drawing from previous research, our findings could be interpreted to suggest that continued disapproval, rejection or hostility from parental figures might operate in at least two ways: First, it might foster an externalization of blame and projection of anger and hostility onto others (angry - dismissive pathway), which could potentially contribute to anomalies in the interpretation of others» intentions, exacerbate attributional biases, and increase social avoidance.
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