Sentences with phrase «increasing stress»

I'd really recommend getting away from the mindset of trying to «speed things up» — the body's way of «speeding things up» is by increasing its stress levels (the greater the required speed, the more the stress).
In fact, hunger can work against you by increasing stress and causing low blood sugar.
Increasing stress, unhealthy eating patterns, destructive habits, genetics, are all sources of poor cardiovascular fitness and give rise to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, chest pain, and so much more.
It's highly likely simply because a downbeat mood and lack of happiness are clear candidates for increasing the stress hormone cortisol, an acne causing menace which causes digestive problems and slows wound healing.
Most machines don't allow you to do this — they lock your hands into position like a barbell, increasing the stress on your shoulder joints.
It also promotes poor health by increasing stress hormones which can promote heart disease and strokes.
It is recognized that a syndrome of increasing stress and psychological symptoms is not restricted to the traditionally highly stressed groups of junior hospital doctors, but may affect senior hospital consultants, general practitioners and other health professionals.
Progressive overload is the process of increasing stress placed on the body by either lifting gradually heavier weights, increasing reps, sets or reducing rest periods.
I always wanted to practice yoga but with the increasing stress of my graduate studies, I never had the time for it.
Symptoms of gluten intolerance may worsen with increasing stress, Sicherer adds.
Dieting is a stress on the Body, thus increasing stress hormones like Cortisol, which in turn can cause water retention.
In doing this, your body will continue to adapt and grow to the ever - increasing stress.
While there are many familiar reasons to drop processed foods, here's one more: They're very good at increasing stress hormone levels.
Columbia Engineering researchers have found that, to the contrary, vegetation plays a dominant role in Earth's water cycle and that plants will regulate and dominate the increasing stress placed on continental water resources in the future.
«We found that with increasing stress relaxation, especially combined with increased stiffness in the hydrogel, there is an increase of osteogenic — bone cell — differentiation,» said Luo Gu, postdoctoral fellow in the Mooney lab and co-first author.
The approach recognizes that the country's famed network of dikes and dams will come under increasing stress as sea levels rise.
Their findings suggest that the protein plays a role in increasing stress on the endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle involved in transporting and processing materials within cells.
These changes, the report notes, will place increasing stress on water, health, energy and transportation systems and have, in several instances, already crossed tipping points to irreversible change.
Cottone, a junior from Wilmington, Delaware, is working with Harsh Bais, associate professor of plant and soil sciences at UD, on research to help this globally important grain cope with increasing stress.
Increasing stress and a lack of motivation among healthcare staff could result in hospitals having to shut down in the wake of a major incident such as flooding or an earthquake, according to new research published in the journal Procedia Engineering.
«This suggests that altering the ability of tumor cells to handle that stress or increasing the stress just a bit is enough to push the cell over the edge and it dies,» Dyer said.
A good driver portrays a positive attitude, and resists the urge to partake in increasing stress.
New research suggests that these techniques can have detrimental physiological effects on the baby by increasing the stress hormone cortisol in the brain, with potential long term effects to emotional regulation, sleep patterns and behavior.
As pregnancy progresses, the lower back comes under increasing stress, so low back pain is very common.
Two growing trends place increasing stress on new mommies: we move further away from our families and, even when we live nearby, -LSB-...]
The big topic here is that if Treasuries are doomed to fall, we can expect weaker bonds to be put under increasing stress, leading to events that coukd serve as a catalyst for defaults and repricing in the broader asset class.
These trends allude to increasing stress for the lower income borrowers.
In a recent post for the Greater Good Science Center, Carter shares her own struggles with her people pleaser tendencies and outlines several ways being constantly keen to please backfires, including denting your concentration and increasing your stress levels.
Modern escalator designs put handrails under increased stress, and EHC argues TPU handrails are more durable.
A disorganized desk leads to misplaced documents, lost information, and increased stress.
Their research shows that the average person wastes 4.3 hours per week searching for paper, which increases stress and reduces concentration and creative thinking.
Last October, Ottawa increased stress - testing provisions for insured mortgages, but the change may not have had the intended effect.
So trying to suppress negative emotions when we are talking with someone — like when we don't want to trouble someone else with our own distress — actually increases stress levels of both people more than if we had shared our distress in the first place.
Don't get into a cycle in which lack of sleep increases your stress and your stress makes it harder to sleep.
Conflict produces poor team performance, increases stress and communication gaps, breeds resentment, and impacts retention.
If a monitor detects increased stress or decreased productivity, it suggests a short break for physical activity or even to just pack up and call it a day.
«It's very revealing — while some productive work doesn't increase my stress levels, a recent sales negotiation pushed me into the red,» said the company's director corporate solutions, explaining the type of insight provided by the devices.
Therefore, due to the increase taxes and increase stress, it seems pointless to put yourself through the ringer simply to try and make more from a day job.
Robert Yerkes and John Dodson motivated mice to solve a maze, correcting their errors with an electric pulse — which in turn increased their stress...
Return - of - capital always trumps return - on - capital during periods of increased stress.
Demographic pressures place increased stress on already stretched labour markets and healthcare system.
5) Increased stress on individuals in a society that demands constant improvement, coupled with increased financial burden and the 24/7 barrage of violence, violent images, news and other stimuli
Economic growth inherently means increased stress on the environment.
But in fact these changes, which themselves are rarely pursued by those seeking growth alone, only slow the increased stress on an already overtaxed environment.
Murray Bowen has been examining the forces in contemporary society that increase stress on families and render them highly vulnerable to dysfunction — e.g., the frantic pace of life, the loss of supportive contact with the extended family, the pressures caused by the population explosion and the depletion of nonrenewable resources.
At the same time they both clearly call for increased stress on Wissenschaft in theological schooling.
«You could double production on our farm, but it's not how you want to run it, because it increases the stress on everything and we don't farm like that,» Mr Mann said.
Made into a delicious syrup and combined with anti-inflammatory ginger (which I'm now making and selling in my shop), a daily small dose during times of increased stress gives a good immune boost *.
Turns out my furnace was not up to the increased stress and stopped working.
In contrast, when the foot rolls to the outside, called over-supination, increased stress is placed on the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, putting them at risk for a stress fracture.
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