Sentences with phrase «increasingly accepted form»

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Spain could therefore either use the imported German capital to (a) increase domestic investment (which it did in the form of a real estate bubble)(b) binge on consumption and sharply reduce its savings as a function of GDP (which it also did)(c) accept higher unemployment (which it is now forced to do) which forces GDP to fall faster than consumption falls or (d) try to emulate Germany by passing off a trade imbalance at the expense of the rest of the world (which Europe as a whole is trying to do and which will go nowhere in the long run because only one country is even remotely capable of accepting such massive inflows, and it is increasingly unwilling to import the unemployment caused by German and Asian policies).
It is being increasingly accepted by disciplines associated with infants, children and adults with tongue tie that there is now no place for «wait and see» policies when the frenum has been identified and diagnosed as abnormal, and early intervention is the optimal form of management.
Over the last ten years, self - publishing has been «democratized» and evolved from what was stigmatized as an amateurish endeavor to an increasingly accepted and exciting form of publishing.
Sometimes this iconoclastic attitude was regarding the art institutions that increasingly accepted him and from the late 1970s onward this began to take the form of monumental sculptures.
There is increasingly large adoption of the coin as evidenced by the moves by musicians to accept Monero as a form of payment for their concerts.
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