Sentences with phrase «increasingly irrelevant»

«Most of the snapshots will become increasingly irrelevant,» said Olaoluwa «Laolu» Osuntokun, a developer at Lightning Labs, which recently launched its lightning network implementation into public beta.
«By early 1963, Martin Luther King had stalled and — particularly to younger activists in the SNCC — seemed increasingly irrelevant.
Because it is essentially a consolidation of in - house practice at the student - edited McGill Law Journal, it is increasingly irrelevant to the creators and consumers of professionally produced, globally accessed, born - digital legal information.
As time passes how the parties lived in the marriage becomes increasingly irrelevant».
As I have written previously, «rainmaker» partners are increasingly irrelevant in an industry where clients are under greater cost pressures and more actively rely on procurement to source legal work.
The young Bar will respond and the rest of us are increasingly irrelevant.
-- US - UK mergers will continue, rendering legal centres outside London increasingly irrelevant for top - end legal services In short, the spiral will create more powerful, bigger and more expensive players at the top end.
America and Western civilization is becoming increasingly irrelevant in world affairs because more and more of what is of concern in the West is irrelevant.
It is my hope that this book and the efforts of other Lukewarmers will take the conversation far ahead of the extremists on both sides of this important issue and leave them to their increasingly irrelevant and increasingly arcane tossing of insults and ignoring reality.»
Last Monday, the Heartland Institute, the conservative think tank responsible for stunts like this unabomber billboard, brought together the shrinking and increasingly irrelevant community of deniers in Paris, just a few miles from the conference where serious people are trying to protect our future.
Today's Climatewire (subscription required) summarizes data and projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Paris - based International Energy Agency (IEA) from which we may conclude that EPA regulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is increasingly irrelevant to global climate change even if one accepts agency's view of climate science.
And «settledscience» is becoming increasingly irrelevant for ignoring the facts and common sense observations and evaluations of seasoned scientists.
What I am saying is that these expenditures don't matter (they are more than countered by expenditures of the enviro advocacy groups), and have become increasingly irrelevant with the ascendancy of the auditor group, which is motived by a desire for public accountability and genuine scientific interest in the subject.
Improvements in electricity transmission made companies» proximity to Niagara Falls increasingly irrelevant.
On a related front, it'll be interesting to see if the White House tries to use the power plant rule as leverage in moving beyond the fight over the increasingly irrelevant Keystone pipeline extension.
Bringing together diverse perspectives on these concepts from arts and technology, the event will be host to a long line - up of events, exhibitions, screenings, performances and talks that will respond to the way we present ourselves against the backdrop of a growing desire to remain authentic within a time where authorship is becoming increasingly irrelevant and indefinable.
The world was ablaze with billboards, advertisements, magazines, television commercials, comic strips and product packaging that, to many artists of the late - 1950s, possessed a graphic dynamism and popular appeal that rendered the prevailing artistic trend of Abstract Expressionism elitist and increasingly irrelevant.
The game features the traditional trappings of a single - player campaign and daily dungeons, each of which reinforce the need to collect and develop a diverse array of cards at the core of the game; however, these systems become increasingly irrelevant as players dive into the weekly events.
Lobby Bar — An Increasingly Irrelevant Summary of FBT News and Views Ancient entertainment.
[And I'm ignoring an anti-fur movement that's become increasingly irrelevant... but I should clearly highlight Saga isn't a stock for everyone, though obviously it's not a fur producer itself].
«Traditional publishers [will] become increasingly irrelevant and gradually fade away, unless they can form real bonds with readers,» says Morgan.
Google Play also lacks the breadth of content offered by iTunes, but that may be increasingly irrelevant as people continue to migrate to streaming options (Netflix, Amazon Video, Spotify, Rdio).
As long as traditional publishers believe their role is to receive and filter rather than proactively hunt down talent, they'll become increasingly irrelevant.
Culture minister Ed Vaizey announced a decision will be made after a formal review, published last week, concluded libraries must stock digital titles or become «increasingly irrelevant».
Jordan summed it up well: «This is one of only a handful of modern cars that persuades me there's a future for the increasingly irrelevant four - door sedan.»
15 April 2017 A recent survey of more than 3,000 young teachers, conducted by the NUT Young Teachers Working Party, has found that almost half were considering leaving the profession as a result of an excessive workload driven by increasingly irrelevant accountability measures.
The motive for this resistance is simply to preserve the power and influence of a traditional system that is becoming increasingly irrelevant with each passing year.
Ravitch, who has long been an effective polemicist, must have felt increasingly irrelevant and ignored over the last decade, as rigorous quantitative analyses, which she is not capable of producing or even understanding very well, increasingly displaced clever rhetoric as the primary mechanism for influencing education policy.
He convinces her to audition for a bit - part in a show and as she moves up the entertainment ladder and gains fame, he shuns the talkies, seeing them as a passing fad, and in doing so becomes increasingly irrelevant.
In a market with almost limitless choice, where the internet makes proximity to physical stores increasingly irrelevant and consumers can decamp to competitors who better align with their values with a simple touch of their phone, it's increasingly important for brands to take a stance and speak up.
With the publication of the IPCC 4th Assessment report, the Nobel Peace Prize, and energy legislation near the top of the national legislative agenda, the «denialists» were becoming increasingly irrelevant (the Heartland Conference and NIPCC are not exactly household words).
I sometimes wonder if the people who created such software realized that they were making themselves, if not obsolete, then at least increasingly irrelevant.
We will become increasingly irrelevant to the rest of the world.
They can spend the next year hoping impotently that an increasingly irrelevant Labour administration will change its nature.
There really is no argument for making abortion illegal, it's just the last gasp of nonsense from Britain's increasingly irrelevant religious fundamentalists.
«Al Qaida is now weaker than at any time in the decade since 9/11 - and political progress through peaceful protest in the Middle East and North Africa has shown it to be increasingly irrelevant to the future.»
But is is clear he believes that it will be seen as increasingly irrelevant as time moves on and the world adapts to changing economic conditions.
And with the Liberal Democrats increasingly irrelevant locally, as was seen by their disastrous showing in Seven Sisters recently, it is clear that Conservatives are the only credible choice to form the next Government».
The UK has been left with no allies in the EU and precious little good will — and while in some quarters there is irritation and antagonism, mostly the UK is now so marginalised it is seen simply as increasingly irrelevant.
«And as a way to talk about a democratic system that feels increasingly irrelevant - who it's accessible to, who it's open to, how fair it is - he's an enjoyably bizarre British way into it, I think.»
He also represents an increasingly irrelevant NBA archetype: the back - to - the - basket center.
Since the majority of the Conservative laity are indifferent to matters of religious ideology and Jewish observance, the distinctions between Conservative and Reform Judaism have become increasingly irrelevant.
It is a world of wall - to - wall technological devices, in which God not only is not made visible, but appears to be increasingly irrelevant.
Only this will prevent the pool of mandatory celibates» no matter how large or small that pool may be» from becoming a marginal and increasingly irrelevant and isolated ecclesial group.
This vision of the Church is not wrong, but it's increasingly irrelevant, due to the changing shape of secular liberalism.
Hence the need for a «theology of the fantastic» to replace the shopworn and increasingly irrelevant academic God - talk.
They believe we are in the process of entering a post-theistic age, in which the word «God» by reason of all its past associations is becoming increasingly irrelevant and there is no possibility of, nor even any point in attempting to salvage it.
An experienced growth facilitator reports that in the «Marriage Effectiveness» weekends which he and his wife co-lead, they have found it important to balance the emphasis on nurture and handling conflict constructively.3 Focusing only on love - support - nurture makes marital groups one - sided and increasingly irrelevant to real relationships which inevitably blend love and conflict.
The bishops are just mad cuz they are increasingly irrelevant.
Your faith is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
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