Sentences with phrase «incredible practice»

Practice Intermittent Fasting: Doing a liquid fast for 16 - 24 hrs daily or even just a few days a week can be an incredible practice to improve detoxification pathways.
Now living and teaching in Playa Guiones, Nosara, Tatiana has made it her mission to share this incredible practice and all its physical and mental benefits through weekly classes, retreats, and teacher trainings.
«Training for this marathon has allowed me to view food as delicious fuel / medicine, as well as exercise as an incredible practice of self - care and attunement,» she says.
Foam rolling isn't something that can be easily learned overnight, but with time and dedication, you'll reap the benefits of this incredible practice.
and incredible practices that you can implement NOW to reduce your exposure and start «greening» your period!
Yoga is an incredible practice for engaging with the breath; we are constantly reminded to return to it, witness it, and listen to it.
I am constantly inspired by my surrounding community of yoga teachers and learn daily from the students who allow me to lead them in this incredible practice of yoga.
I offer online sessions via Skype in a respectful manor where you can ask me any questions you may have and I will personally guide you through various Jade Egg practices so you are confident you understand everything you need to know about this incredible practice.
In one online session, I will share all the trials and tribulations of my ten years experience, as well as offer you secrets on how to use this incredible practice to empower your life and your sexuality.
It's time to reclaim this incredible practice and invite some wellness back into our lives.
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