Sentences with phrase «incur substantial debt»

Small, necessary charges right before filing bankruptcy will not attract the attention of a creditor; however, if you incur substantial debt prior to filing bankruptcy, the creditor will likely object to the discharge of those particular debts.
Rather than duplicating it himself by opening and operating a second location, then a third, then a fourth, probably incurring substantial debt in doing so, he instead has other independent operators invest their money in replicate outlets and takes a royalty, typically 5 percent to 7 percent of the gross revenues of every such location.
Leveraged Buy - Out (LBO): Financial transaction in which a corporation's management repurchases all public shares, usually by incurring substantial debt, and the company goes private.
Incurring substantial debt is not the way to pay for such things.
If you've defaulted on credit cards or incurred substantial debt, you will face higher Mansfield insurance quotes on top of your other financial troubles.

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«You have to denude yourself and your family of everything — everybody's health records, financial records, including every debt you've incurred — and you go through all that when you're paying the lawyer a substantial amount of money.»
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