Sentences with phrase «indeed mean the world to»

You're pity does indeed mean the world to me.

Not exact matches

How do we live comfortably — by which I mean no more than enjoying a lifestyle typical of the American middle class, which compared to most of the world is very comfortable indeed — and also take seriously the needs of our neighbors?
Indeed, if the teaching and activity of Jesus are any guide, the symbol of the Kingdom means, among other things, that God's activity in the world is to be discerned precisely in those forces and events that threaten the established structures of injustice.
Jesus was indeed the Man Who Belongs to the World, but he was this because he made it possible to appreciate more profoundly the full scope of the revelation of God wherever it had appeared in the history of the world, in the light of which, in turn, his own meaning and message acquired more profound significWorld, but he was this because he made it possible to appreciate more profoundly the full scope of the revelation of God wherever it had appeared in the history of the world, in the light of which, in turn, his own meaning and message acquired more profound significworld, in the light of which, in turn, his own meaning and message acquired more profound significance.
Indeed, on the basis of Matthew 25, ordering our attention and overcoming our addiction to distraction has everything to do with our ability to recognize Christ in one another and to learn what it means to be the body of Christ, a people formed by habits of good attention, giving and exchanging the gifts of attention in a world of distraction.
This assertion is not meant to imply that religion is either false or ultimately nothing more than the fabrication of human minds — indeed, Berger argues in other writings that the transcendent seems to break through humanly constructed worlds, as it were, from the outside, However, the social scientist must recognize the degree to which religion, like all symbol systems, involves human activity.
It is very important to see that panentheism is intended to be a mean between the absentee - God of deism — who is indeed also the God of much popular Christian teaching and preaching and of much supposedly orthodox theology — and the pantheistic God who is simply identified with the world as it is — an identification sometimes without qualification but more frequently with certain reservations that are thought to safeguard moral distinctions.
Indeed we might say that the adoption of such a panentheistic view is the only way in which genuine theism can be maintained, if by theism (as distinguished from pantheism and deism) we mean that God and the world are not thought to be identical even though they are taken to be intimately and necessarily related one to the other.
Indeed, their full meaning is likely to become more apparent in the future than at the time of the book's first appearance, as thinkers from other world traditions engage its arguments.
It is fundamental to any adequate understanding of Ricoeur to note that his phenomenology is so constructed as to be open to the «signs» generated by «counter-disciplines,» and indeed to read the meaning of human existence «on» a world full of such expressions generated by the natural and social sciences, as well as in the history of culture.
Building upon his understanding that written texts can burst the world of the author, and indeed that of the reader as well, and upon his understanding that different genres accomplish this in different ways, Ricoeur comes to his understanding of «the world of the text» or, in other citations, «the world in front of the text,» by which he means «the... world intended beyond the text as its reference.
The advent of secularization has meant that the traditional religious language of the church has now become a specialist language which to many in the secular world is not meaningful, and indeed even non-sense.
Believing there is no God means the suffering I've seen in my family, and indeed all the suffering in the world, isn't caused by an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent force that isn't bothered to help or is just testing us, but rather something we all may be able to help others with in the future.
The prayer is not indeed a purely subjective thing; — it means a real increase in intensity of absorption of spiritual power or grace; — but we do not know enough of what takes place in the spiritual world to know how the prayer operates; who is cognizant of it, or through what channel the grace is given.
Although each individual trader has a short - sighted view of his or her specialist market, the traders» collective monitoring of events in the outside world means that, at some point — indeed, at 1 second — group instinct prompts many of them to buy or sell together.
So the animation comes as a masterstroke meant to deliver us into a non-real world where dream logic is indeed possible.
This means we all share responsibility to educate the 59 million children who today are not in school, to close the educational opportunity gaps facing girls, poor children, and children of marginalized groups around the world, including refugees, and we must take responsibility to ensure that all children who do attend school indeed learn what is necessary to be empowered global citizens.
So, if knowledge and professional support are money, some observers believe that access to such wired - in «help» means the rich are indeed getting richer in the charter - school world.
While the sharp imagery is seemingly all «black and white,» Reid Kelley's world is anything but: although her stories are indeed meant to be humorous (while offering up difficult social context), she successfully muddies the line between comedic and tragic so seamlessly we are afraid to laugh outright.
Indeed, there's a world of difference between citing one paper that has done something that MIGHT rebalance the global mean temperature data — as Joe's post suggests — and then assuming that the problem is fixed and the indicator remains the first best only way to measure global goals despite the fact that natural variability in the global mean surface temperature will also make that a sluggish measure.
Since the sensitivity estimates using the Otto et al method in the model world are biased low, using the estimated efficacies in the real world means that the sensitivities from the adjusted methodologies are going to be increased, and indeed that's exactly what happens.
Second, a reference emergency pathway should not be so vague when it comes to defining overall global emissions allowances, or indeed in specifying what «substantial deviation from baseline» in the «non-Annex I» developing world actually means.
«Indeed it is estimated that annual mean temperature has increased by over 2 °C during the last 70 years and precipitation has decreased in most regions, except the western part of the country, indicating that Mongolia is among the most vulnerable nations in the world to global warming.»
Instead, we prefer to stay in the reality - based world of those (the E.U., the Climate Action Network) who draw the line at 2C maximum (which is itself not by any means safe) and who admit that avoiding a global climate catastrophe is going to be difficult indeed.
Indeed, the view that tolerance of a particular constitutes an endorsement is a profoundly totalitarian world view, as it is a means to suppress unpopular minority views and lifestyles.
Because Apple and Samsung are two of the world's biggest manufacturers, every other smaller company would likely follow their lead, which means if they are indeed going to release their respective foldable phones, the smartphone design landscape is going to get a lot more interesting going forward.
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