Sentences with phrase «independent redistricting commission»

A group wants to put a proposed independent redistricting commission before voters in 2018.
In June, the Supreme Court will rule on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of independent redistricting commissions drawing a district's map.
The United States Supreme Court ruled in support of the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission on June 29, 2015.
«Gerrymandering has completely broken our political system and I believe my best platform to help repair it is from the outside, by campaigning for independent redistricting commissions.
The Utica Observer - Dispatch endorsed Sen. Dave Valesky's independent redistricting commission bill.
He also supports independent redistricting commissions with multimember districts to end the system of «politicians choosing voters.»
On January 1, 2012, the state's independent redistricting commission released its congressional district plan.
A clear majority of voters (59 - 21) say all candidates for state office should sign a pledge in support of a nonpartisan independent redistricting commission — a victory for both former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, whose PAC, New York Uprising, is pushing candidates to do just that; and also for AG Andrew Cuomo, who is calling for citizens and candidates alike to sign his reform pledge.
Kolb, along with Senate Minority Leader John Sampson and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, signed former NYC Mayor Ed Koch's reform pledge last fall, agreeing to co-sponsor independent redistricting commission legislation by March 1.
During the 2010 campaign, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch aggressively campaigned for reform and got more than 100 state legislators to sign a pledge saying they would co-sponsor independent redistricting commission legislation by March 1st.
He added: «independent redistricting commissions help to foster healthy two - party competition and uphold one of America's fundamental principles: Voters should be represented by people of their own choosing.»
The Arizona Legislature objected to Proposition 106, arguing that the state's independent redistricting commissions violated Section 4 of Article I of the United States Constitution.
On February 22, 2014, the U.S. District Court for Arizona, in a two - to - one decision, ruled that the state's independent redistricting commission does not violate the federal constitution.
The case is Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission v Brewer, cv -11-0313.
The Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission approved new maps on December 20, 2011 by a 3 - 2 vote, the dissents coming from Republicans; the Department of Justice.
The following are summaries of recent court decisions dealing with redistricting policy, including questions relating to the consideration of race in drawing district maps, the use of total population tallies in apportionment, and the constitutionality of independent redistricting commissions.
Senate Minority Leader John Sampson is the first out of the box with a statement in response to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's independent redistricting commission bill, pledging his support and calling for immediate passage of the measure when the Legislature returns to Albany on Feb. 28.
Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2015.
On January 1, 2012, the state's independent redistricting commission released its state legislative district plan.
The Times didn't mention public financing, but did specifically cite the need for a nonpartisan independent redistricting commission.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver gave a less - than enthusiastic response to the independent redistricting commission idea this afternoon, insisting that merely changing the manner in which districts are drawn isn't necessarily going to bring political balance to the Legislature, Capital Tonight's Kaitlyn Ross reports.
He does not specifically mention the 9 - term Democratic congresswoman's stance on redistricting, but one can assume she supports the creation of an independent redistricting commission.
So far, there are two «yes» votes in the Senate majority in favor of an independent redistricting commission.
Former Mayor Ed Koch will testify in Albany today in favor of a bill that would create an independent redistricting commission.
«I have long felt that implementing an Independent Redistricting Commission would be a major step toward achieving the reform that Albany needs.
A constitutional amendment establishing an independent redistricting commission — one that is neither the governor's nor the legislature's — is the only way to go.
[50] The Supreme Court has interpreted «by the Legislature thereof» to include voters using the initiative process, in those states whose constitutions provide it, to create an independent redistricting commission.
• Transforming the ethical environment in Government: Governor Cuomo's «Clean Up Albany» agenda would institute campaign finance reforms including a system of public financing for elections, limits on contribution levels, creating an independent redistricting commission, creating independent monitoring and enforcement of ethics laws, and requiring full disclosure of outside income and clients.
Without a law mandating an independent redistricting commission, our governor gets the final say on any question of redistricting.
Its client roster features a majority of state legislatures, two national party committees and the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, plus the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, which was upheld in a Supreme Court decision last month.
(He's chair of the Health Committee, was the original sponsor of the gay marriage bill, supports campaign finance reform and an independent redistricting commission, which I'm sure will be music to the ears of former NYC Mayor Ed Koch).
«But it is Mr. Espaillat, a 14 - year Albany veteran, who has been an outspoken voice for the most crucial reform of all — an independent redistricting commission to create fairer elections in the state.
The ever - colorful former NYC Mayor Ed Koch stopped by the «Capital Tonight» studio this morning to kick off what will be a full day of stumping for his push to reform Albany through creation of an independent redistricting commission.
Prior to this morning, the first, Harris v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, appeared unlikely to prove explosive, while the second, Evenwel v. Abbott, held the potential for fireworks — but only if the justices were willing to accept an especially audacious argument which seems to cut against the explicit language of the Constitution.
After an independent redistricting commission redrew the House district lines, Republicans lost four seats.
The number of competitive House races in California increased dramatically last year, when an independent redistricting commission redrew the lines.
Transforming the ethical environment in Government: Governor Cuomo's «Clean Up Albany» agenda includes instituting campaign finance reform to include a system of public financing for elections, limiting contribution levels, creating an independent redistricting commission, create independent monitoring and enforcement of ethics laws; and requiring full disclosure of outside income and clients.
Sen. Dave Valesky, who was carrying the independent redistricting commission bill when the Democrats were in control, offered it up as an amendment and was promptly shot down.
Harris involves state legislative maps drawn by Arizona's Independent Redistricting Commission, a voter - approved commission intended to limit partisanship in the map - drawing process.
Just like we believe an independent redistricting commission for the upcoming round should have been done last year, we believe it should be done this year as well.»
The Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission is responsible for drawing both congressional and state legislative district lines.
This comes on the heels of the majority leader's waffling on his election - year promise to former NYC Mayor Ed Koch that he (not to mention every member of his 32 - person GOP conference) would co-sponsor a bill to form an independent redistricting commission by March 1, Sampson noted.
«I'm particularly happy that he emphasizes the need to end gerrymandering and have the Legislature provide for an independent redistricting commission to do the job of reapportionment.»
«As Mr. Koch is well aware, I have joined Democratic Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries to sponsor A03432, a truly bipartisan, independent redistricting commission,» Hanna said.
Voters like the idea (69 - 20) of an independent redistricting commission of the sort being pushed by former NYC Mayor Ed Koch and his NY Uprising PAC and believe (71 - 14) taking the power of drawing legislative and congressional district lines would make for more competitive elections in the future.
Today's Siena poll finds Gov. Andrew Cuomo heading into post-budget policy negotiations with a very strong hand, as New Yorkers strongly support his top agenda items — from instituting a property tax cap (83 percent) to creating an independent redistricting commission and legalizing same - sex marriage (both 58 percent).
When asked about the task force's lines, Gottfried said, «It would have been better if lines had been drawn by an independent redistricting commission, under the bill supported by Governor Cuomo, Speaker Silver and many others, including me.
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