Sentences with phrase «indicated adequate fit»

However, a confirmatory factor analysis was still conducted in Mplus Version 6.12.12 (Muthén & Muthén, 2010), and results indicated adequate fit, RMSEA =.06, CFI =.94, and SRMR =.08.
The results of the SEM indicated an adequate fit with the data, χ2 (30, N = 74) = 50.99, p =.010, χ2 / df ratio = 1.70, IFI =.93, CFI =.93.
Both Chi - square / df ratios were < 3, indicating adequate fit to the data (Kline, 2016).

Not exact matches

Table V, which presents the model fit statistics (chi square, CFI and RMSEA) for all subscales, indicates that all of the models provided an adequate fit to the data.
Overall, the fit indices indicate that the model displayed an adequate fit for the sample (Bentler, 1990).
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