Sentences with phrase «indie authors like»

Earlier this month, I saw some articles about Goodreads and their new review policies, and I wonder if it will impact indie authors like the whole Amazon review debacle did / does (for more on that, read Indie Authors And Amazon Removing... Continue reading →
Friday evening was devoted to the autograph session, a WFC tradition in which everyone can participate — even indie authors like me!
I predict start - up companies will form in the publishing world offering a wide range of services to indie authors like all forms of editing, cover design, social media coaching and other coaching, formatting, marketing and promotion, legal help when it comes to film rights, foreign translations and help with foreign rights, etc..
The obstacles are rising up before us indie authors like a gigantic mountain range, but there is STILL gold in them thar hills.
So excited for you and encouraged to see the success of indie authors like you and Marquita.
I appreciate your guidance to new indie authors like me.
Should your book make the cut, it will be put into the hands of one of seven judges, each looking for great work from indie authors like yourself.
Stuff like: It is my unprovable theory that fledgling authors are HURT by the end of agency because it resulted in bringing branded author prices down and undercutting the advantage that the indie authors like John Locke had in the early days.
Your professionalism allows you the ability to be able to compete with not only indie authors like yourself, but established and major authors as well.
He believes authors should publish everywhere saying, «Amazon plays indie authors like pawns in its greater battle to harm other ebook retailers.»
One thing indie authors like is that Amazon does give them up - to - the - minute sales information, which is a welcome change from the hassle it takes to get info from traditional publishers.
I think this venture is going to be a win - win - win for booksellers, readers and Indie authors like myself who have not been able to reach the print market outside of print - on - demand in the last few years.
It's nothing compared to the likes of Stephen King or indie authors like Lindsay Buroker, but it is something that I was able to do those things in the midst of med school and everything that adventure entailed.
Some indie authors like to publish with a serviceable cover and upgrade it to a better cover later, after they've made some sales.
that's a encouraging to Indie authors like me who are on our own when it comes to marketing our book.
ACX has been used by authors with traditional publishing deals, like Neil Gaiman, but also by indie authors like Bob Mayer.
I'm loving the idea of book trailers for indie authors like myself.
If you follow both the advice and the example of successful indie authors like Konrath and Smith, you too will nurture the Vigilante - Author Attitude.
Pro Indie authors like Joann Penn and Barbara Freethy also use professional editors and cover designers.
This is a dynamic pep rally for indie authors like me.
Recently, Noisetrade got into the book business, and indie authors like Hugh Howey, are all onboard.
It's just, for indie authors like myself, the world of publishing seems so subjective so we end up focusing of everything that could go wrong with the book.
In my first post, I cautioned that KDP Select could trap indie authors like tenant farmers tilling Amazon soil.»
Of course, there are the financial details that all indie authors like to hear about: if published, authors receive:
A recent poll on the Writer's Cafe suggests that most indie authors like the change, but still have some concern about the abruptness of its implementation.
«Thank you for supporting StoryBundle, and indie authors like us.
Self - pub / indie authors like us... we shouldn't waste our time trying to convince publishers to change.
«AMC has in store a lot of essential surprises for the novel writer including indie authors like me.
Indie authors like H.M. Ward have made headlines for turning down six - figure self - publishing deals.
Yes, it was and is a thing... and I, like best - selling indie authors like Jacinda Wilder before me, was already cashing in on the trend before this «professional» even knew what it was.
It's hard enough to pound out 50,000 words a year for a paycheck (or for nothing if you're an indie author like me hahaha it hurts to laugh), but cramming all of that process into a month is going to make you want to eat a bullet.
And that is also a valuable thing for an indie author like myself.
A very special thank you also goes out to reviewers and book bloggers who have taken time out of their busy schedules to read a book by an unknown Indie author like me.
The fact is that Amazon and now Barnes & Noble are taking advantage of the opportunity to work with - AND - make money from great indie author like Zoe, HP Mallory, Amanda Hocking... Each of them has to have made a lot more money for those companies than what Borders is charging for their «service.»

Not exact matches

As an indie author, using a site like Bookbaby makes your book available through several retailers and also through Scribd.
So I've spent five years of my time educating, for free, and building resources to get over the biggest hurdles (like book design) so indie authors have a fighting chance.
Just like in our previous offerings, you still get to decide how much of your purchase you want to go to supporting indie authors, and you can still choose for a portion of the proceeds to go to one of two fantastic charities.
One of the banes of the indie author has been making the text of our ebooks look like that of traditional publishers.
It may sound like a big job but indie and self - published authors need to think more like a publisher and therefore as a business if they want to get their work to a larger audience.
Like many indie authors, I distribute my books to some retail platforms through Draft2Digital, a company I've always found to be competent, responsive, and trustworthy.
Everything else that I have read, recently, about local book signings for Indie Authors only mention things like «grueling,» or they go on to question the value of such in today's digital marketplace.
I come across so many books that I'd like to read by fellow indie authors, but I've never had a way of keeping track until now.
Like I said, they «get» indie authors.
But what's happened in the last few years is it's now possible to make a living from your writing self - publishing, or as I like to say, indie publishing or being an indie author.
The savvy indie author, like you, is already beating out a million other self - publishers just by knowing the necessity of offering these discounts.
Some people call it professional self - publishing, but I like indie author, independent author, because I don't have a publisher.
Reactions have ranged from outrage and disgust that once again self - published authors were being treated as amateurs, wannabes, and «aspiring authors,» to anger at indie authors for trying to liken their plight to the civil rights movement with Howey's choice of title and comments along the lines of, «It's like shades of Jim Crow when blacks had to sit in the back of the bus...» [1.
My learning curve as an indie author has been steep, but like sherpas helping inexperienced climbers to conquer Everest, Polgarus Studio has been there for me every step of the way.
Competition from online stores like Amazon, economic trends and distribution challenges from indie authors has bookstore owners focused on their own survival.
This is unfortunate because indie authors already have a tough time figuring out what makes a «Good Cover» — and if book cover contests like this give prizes to fairly ordinary or even pretty ugly book covers, the bar will not be raised.
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