Sentences with phrase «indispensible part»

The phrase "indispensable part" means something that is extremely important and necessary, and cannot be done without. Full definition
He has been been an indispensible part of the French team since Laurent Blanc's arrival, tidying up in front of the back four with minimal fuss.
With that in mind, here are 6 best breast pumps for every day use that you may soon become an indispensible part of your life.
I had to take the baby out and remove the sling to pass through security checkpoints, but other than that, the sling was an indispensible part of our travel.
But since that day, it has become sort of an indispensible part of makeup routine.
A mysterious soldier befriends the family of a fallen comrade and quickly makes himself an indispensible part of their lives, but the secrets he's hiding put them all in danger in The Guest, a nail - biting, retro - stylish thriller from director Adam Wingard and screenwriter Simon Barrett (You're Next, A Horrible Way to Die).
Dissertation is an indispensible part of academic programs.
We have all seen on various occasions how credit cards are an indispensible part of our lives.
Establishing context is an indispensible part of interpretation.
For music fans, streaming music is an indispensible part in daily life.
Being sensitive to Dad's needs and desires will help him to feel much more included as an indispensible part of your new family.
For the stolen generations, story telling is an indispensible part of both recognising the suffering of the past and its impact into the present; and of creating the basis for the journey of healing to begin.
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