Sentences with phrase «indisputable impact»

In broad strokes, most of the concerns members of Congress will likely raise will center on questions of user privacy, election integrity, and the company's indisputable impact on how Americans communicate and get their news.
Now for your catch 22, if it was obvious that whatever sensitivity might be that is was now having an indisputable impact on climate and extreme weather, there would be no reason to that a no / low regrets pathway.
Prices may be unrelated to quality, but the market erects an expanding platform of visibility that has an indisputable impact.
However, starting 1908 this lavishness of colors in Vlamick's work was replaced by monochromatic and somber palette — an indisputable impact of Paul Cézanne.
I knew there were some indisputable impacts of climate change there.

Not exact matches

Dispensationalism's political and cultural impact is indisputable.
Turner shares a widespread skepticism about whether the evangelical thinkers will make much of an impact on the large and multifarious worlds of evangelicalism, but of this he is more certain: «That [they have] made, and will continue to make, a substantial mark on American academic life seems indisputable, especially in history, philosophy, and, more recently, sociology.
It's indisputable that a great teacher can deeply impact a student's life in a positive way.
Still, Kosuth's claim that artists take what they need from previous generations is indisputable and Reinhardt's impact on younger artists has, in great measure, come from his writing.
So, what does the indisputable, factual science tell us about the global warming impact of keeping incandescent light bulbs out of the hands of Americans?
CO2's impact on alkalinity of bodies of water is indisputable chemistry, though much about this topic remains unstudied in the context of climate.
It's indisputable that planning decisions substantially impact on a building's energy performance and associated carbon dioxide emissions, and the associated construction costs.
The climate science is indisputable... the known physics requires that each tonne of new CO2 emissions will have a smaller impact than the previous tonne... there is no escaping the actual logarithmic relationship between atmospheric CO2 and global warming...
«The impact that past policies of dispossession have had on the health and wellbeing of Indigenous people in Australia is indisputable.
Evidence of the impact of parental attachment on early to middle childhood development is indisputable and immense.
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