Sentences with phrase «indisputable points»

Marino has many indisputable points, including her concern over the growing number of «dolphin - assisted therapy» (DAT) centers worldwide.
The indisputable point here is that Jesus» guiding principles were the love of God and love of neighbor.

Not exact matches

Your case should include clear, hard, indisputable research and evidence that a real problem exists in your marketplace that points to only one reasoning: that you (the expert) have the solution.
Evolution is indisputable; the only scientific inputs at this point are nuances of how evolution occurs.
In place of all this vagueness, this open - endedness, and this memory whose uncertainty is pointed out to me, here I have the visual, indisputable evidence.
In the first chapter of this book I pointed to the impression which Jesus made upon those of his contemporaries who knew him best as an indisputable evidence that the historical Jesus was a figure of altogether extraordinary stature.
The literary evidence that the expectation of a «Messiah,» in so far as such an expectation existed at all, took these several forms is indisputable, although at points meager, and can be found cited in Charles and other writers on Jewish eschatology.
The point seems indisputable.
With that in mind, I have noticed that many, if not most new converts can have, in all appearances, a genuine spiritual experience before any high doctrine of «scriptural authority ever enters their head.Now, some may say that just how it works, first you crawl, then you walk... baby food, then the meat, but this is my point... the world is full of «spiritual meatheads»... there are so many believers who wdn't know an original thought, unless of course, they cd find the chapter and verse to unequivocally support it.Is it so difficult to comprehend how a collection of ancient documents may not be the final, complete and indisputable Word of God, but mere human artifacts, sometimes godly, sometimes not, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering.?
As much as I agree with Jon on most of his opinions, I just can not convince myself on this one.The point that is indisputable is the frustration we all (well most) feel.Wenger is responsible for this mess yet he still seems to feel he is bullet proof and totally immune to criticism of his management.
What is confusing is you used word indisputable which is for you and I, Wenger has 1 year left with a dream that he can still make a comeback in spite of all the different negative results staring Arsenal in the face.His game plan is a result of his senior moments and I really would like Wenger not to go away on a low vibe for what he did for club.I do believe he loves ARSENAL and can not cope with the game plan of the other managers to a point where he is putting his faith in the wrong players of which the results speaks for itself.
Steven has given a list of indisputable acts of injustice against Arsenal which would add to over ten points at the minimum.
The second penalty was indisputable shoulder into Laca's back was surprised how long he took to give it ad the lino waved flag and then pointed right rather than flag across chest to indicate penalty, have they changed the flagging system?
Ultimately, the critics might turn out to be right or they might make valid points while trying to score against their opponents but I think it's indisputable that no diplomatic solution of any kind was ever going to command unanimous approval within US political discourse.
Re the final point, it is indisputable that the USA was early and influential in this regard; at the time we made our Constitution, most of the world was under either a monarchy or a colonial government.
But one point is indisputable: murder is committed more frequently in the United States than just about anywhere else in the developed world, and guns are its chief instrument.
Cornell University's Horticultural Factsheet on the topic points out its foundation on a long, indisputable history:
I mean, you can totally argue in the comments, but since this list is already titled «100 % Incontestable Incontrovertible Indisputable», there's really no point, and nobody will believe you anyway.
Only points that were considered indisputable survived this process.
And while this point is pretty much indisputable, with any technically oriented skeptic acknowledging Goddard's charts are bunk, Goddard continues to defend them.
These 5 scientific factual points are indisputable, undeniable, irrefutable and unequivocal.
I do, however, want to ask you to elaborate on a point you made in your item 6, which in my view is consistent with the evidence but not necessarily self evident or indisputable.
It is now an indisputable fact that the IPCC's «dangerous», «accelerating» and «tipping point» global warming has gone completely AWOL.
If human CO2 causes indisputable, relentless, unequivocal, unprecedented, accelerating and tipping point catastrophic global warming, then why is the U.S. cooling over the last 15 years?
Despite the evidence of the public's growing dismissal of alarmism, and the indisputable empirical evidence that the IPCC «climate experts» and their models have been abysmally wrong for a very long time, along comes a «scientist» like Myles Allen, confirming for all that scientific honesty is now at a low point convincingly within the Twilight Zone.
I hereby proclaim that points 1 thru 22 above are correct, indisputable, 97 % consensus, and settled science, and that those not in complete agreement are vile deniers and will not go to heaven.
I think this point is indisputable.
But there are indisputable truths in science; the «laws» of physics, for example, the 2nd law of thermodynamics being a case in point on this forum; the arrow of time pointing only in one direction; that large bodies in space will always be spherical.
In 1996 I defined the turning point of the discussion about climate science (the point where we could actually start talking about policy) as the date when the Wall Street Journal would acknowledge the indisputable and apparent fact of anthropogenic climate change; the year in which it would simply be ridiculous to deny it.
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