Sentences with phrase «individual accomplishments»

In this section, your sentences should focus on individual accomplishments.
The directory is valued for promoting awareness of individual accomplishments and achievement within the North American legal community.
Clear, creative thought, contributing to team efforts as well as individual accomplishment.
As you've mentioned, people can build something for themselves through individual accomplishment.
The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.
Each board member was selected for their own individual accomplishments, influence, and prior experience working to enhance collaboration among all stakeholders in the veterinary community for the benefit of companion animals.
Cool is something to be measured by each persons individual accomplishments.
Past individual accomplishments are less important than the actions of today.
This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that being a true team player goes beyond individual accomplishments and personal gain.
It would weight team success far too much, which would distort the idea of giving an individual award for individual accomplishments.
• ORNL Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology (2015) • ORNL's Early Career Research Award (2015) • Significant Event Award, ORNL (2015).
While Michelin recognizes individual accomplishments, the company is focusing more on rewarding collective contributions.
«I also love that it's not about individual accomplishment; it's about the team's accomplishment.
She was awarded the ORNL Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology and ORNL's Early Career Research Award in 2015; and the Burton Metal by the Microscopy Society of America in 2016.
it's the career mode that provides longevity, by virtue of cricket's fascination with individual accomplishments amongst a team performance
While the Ashes mode takes prime position, it's the career mode that provides longevity, by virtue of cricket's fascination with individual accomplishments amongst a team performance.
Though the focus will turn primarily toward individual accomplishments once the middle of February rolls around, Gregerson is still very much invested in the development of his younger teammates.
We're among the generation of writers who look to environment more than individual accomplishment when preparing our indictments of failed teams and eras.
Academia traditionally values individual accomplishment and has not yet developed adequate metrics to evaluate teamwork, which can put me in a difficult position when I am being compared to other PIs at my career stage who work in a more traditional independent model.
«It is a privilege to honor these men and women for their extraordinary individual accomplishments,» said Don Randel, Chair of the Academy's Board of Directors.
«But we live in an era... that emphasizes individual accomplishments, not community cohesion.
We celebrate our differences and acknowledge individual accomplishments.
If you want to use volunteer experience to beef up your resume but it's not obviously relevant to the position you seek, you'll want to find individual accomplishments and / or experiences that are relevant to your target position.
IOM's rationale: «new benchmarks... are needed to complement the traditional benchmarks for academic success that focus on individual accomplishments and products (e.g. publications, new grants).»
Britain over the past two decades is a story of fragmentation, of individual accomplishment that has never coalesced into a discernibly British painting style.
It is not glamorous; it is hard work and when it is put out there as individual accomplishment or connected to celebrity, what we lose is the message to girls that they have to connect with people, they have to care about things, they have to be in it for the long haul.»
These companies will value their employees opinions, and they'll work hard to recognize individual accomplishments (and not just as a plaque under the»Em ployee of the Month» sign in the break room).
MHI's Financial Services Division created this award to recognize outstanding individual accomplishment, lifetime support and outstanding contributions to the manufactured housing financial services industry.
Award bonus honor in Battlegrounds for individual accomplishments.
Traditionally, schoolwork has been based on individual accomplishment.
We are so happy for our recent group of graduates and their individual accomplishments during our final class of the year.
While I did not try to highlight their individual accomplishments, I mentioned two recent events, one honoring Tamar Frankel, the other honoring Jack Bogle.
While the team championships and individual accomplishments are certainly nice, Sherman takes pride in creating a team atmosphere in a largely individual sport.
I would view GOAT as Greatest of all time which has to taks into account some level of team and individual accomplishment.
He described each achievement as a team effort rather than an individual accomplishment, a true testament to his character and love for his teammates.
There is no emphasis on individual accomplishments, records, or attainments until the season is completed.»
Perspective: How to Succeed in Big Science and Still Get Tenure by Victoria McGovern, 31 July 2009 Burroughs Wellcome Fund program officer Victoria McGovern offers some tips to help scientists involved in collaborative research demonstrate their individual accomplishments.
In Russia, the family and society are emphasized more than individual accomplishment.
It's the 10th story, the framing narrative, of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, though, that feels so very out of place, overwhelming the movie's other, individual accomplishments.
Katie believes that students will feel good when they engage with rigorous work, learn from it, and then take stock of their individual accomplishments.
Girls are inundated with messaging that leads them to believe there is empowerment in looks or individual accomplishments, and to associate activism with celebrity.
An insightful new book by UC Press, Welcome to Painterland, Bruce Conner and the Rat Bastard Protective Association bring to light the collective and individual accomplishments of the range of artists who lived in a small apartment building at 2322 Fillmore Street.
Figurative painting in Britain over the past two decades is a story of fragmentation, of individual accomplishment that has never coalesced into a discernibly British painting style.
These firm and individual accomplishments are not attained alone.
Another formatting option is the functional style, which focuses more on your individual accomplishments than who you've worked for.

Phrases with «individual accomplishments»

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