Sentences with phrase «individual actors»

You could consider the political fundraising landscape similar to an unregulated market full of individual actors doing what's best for themselves.
In other words, it is great that relationship science is addressing relationships as the influence of partners on each other rather than as individual actors.
But what if one individual actor goes tearing through the streets causing property damage?
Will individual actors need to invest in small pipelines, or wait until several of them can agree to build a large one?
In terms of individuals actors, it is a rather disappointing round.
But what if one individual actor goes tearing through the streets causing property damage?
Anand Vaidya's main problem with the book is Boo's focus on individual actors in the Mumbai slum Boo covered.
When acknowledging that investigators are looking into actions by individual actors and decisions that were made by state entities, Cuomo also announced «our own investigation with a private investigator who was from the U.S. attorney's office originally, Mr. Bart Schwartz.»
Though the movie doesn't rely so much on individual actors as it does the core unit, Billy Bob Thorton still delivers his best performance since «A Simple Plan.»
Many individual actors in this industry have an educational role, and spread the word via meetups and events.
Over in the TV categories, the ceremony bid an enthusiastic hello to the new Netflix wrestling comedy GLOW, awarding it four total nods — including best ensemble for a comedy series and best stunt ensemble — while four individual actors from Big Little Lies were given individual nominations — another strong showing for HBO's hit mini-series, especially since the Screen Actors Guild does not separate supporting performances from leading ones in its TV categories.
In addition to reducing legal fees, this could bring new transparency to financial markets, as regulators could use the public ledger to understand the market without forcing individual actors to reveal their specific positions.
In the same way that courses in economics claiming merely to describe human beings as utility - maximizing individual actors in fact influence students to act more selfishly, so liberalism teaches a people to hedge commitments and adopt flexible relationships and bonds.
Economic approaches tend to emphasize individual actors» choices and agency, an «under - socialized» perspective, while sociological approaches provide an over-socialized view, emphasizing social structure, such as race, class, and institutions, over agency.
Traditional mocap and acting for games production involves individual actors reading off scripts — a process which, some say, does not have the chemistry and improvisation that is at the very core of acting.
For example, global climate initiatives, such as the Under 2 Coalition, for which The Climate Group acts as Secretariat, and the organization's RE100 campaign have not yet been fully included in the study although they serve to support individual actors and subnational governments to take on more ambitious climate action, and report on progress.
Kaspersky Labs» quarterly report suggests that the trend is likely here to stay for now, as waves of increasingly sophisticated hacks further the veiled aims of shadowy individual actors and governments alike.
The study covers 342 subnational and non-state actions by individual actors — of which 22 are from states, 58 from cities and 262 from companies headquartered in the US.
This is an unhelpful focal point, as individual actors must deliver CDR.
This is not a realistic starting point, because the real world comprises individuals who make decisions for a myriad of reasons and can only be understood by drilling down to what drives these individual actors.
It's futile to look any deeper, for example, to consider how policies such as meddling with interest rates might have influenced investment decisions, because, even though the real - world economy involves millions of individuals making decisions for a myriad of reasons, the individual actors within the economy supposedly form an amorphous mass that shifts about for unfathomable reasons.
The ability of individual actors to join a given integrative network also varies: Ukraine may not be able to join a European network dealing with immigration, but it could join a network involved with energy or environment.
Nicco's book is a series of predictions and musings more than a single argument, since he starts with the idea that digital tools tend, over time, to shift power away from large institutions and toward small groups and individual actors and goes on to think about how it will affect institutions across the board.
In this «post-modern» entity, the distribution of political authority is said to be horizontal rather than vertical, meaning that it is deliberately fragmented and shared between various institutional and individual actors.
As composers have often written works specifically suited to the talents of their favorite musicians, so the Coens frequently write roles tailored to the individual actors they want to work with.
I didn't look to any individual actors as inspiration for this.
The water and western productions are the most eye - catching, but he does some of his best camera work in the shots of individual actors or scenes - within - a-scene.
The accolade, awarded annually to actors who have displayed outstanding talent and noteworthy contributions to film and television, has previously been bestowed upon Will Smith, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Wahlberg, Sandra Bullock, Jamie Foxx, Johnny Depp, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey and in 2017 the Fast & Furious franchise — marking the first years the award had not gone to an individual actor.
Voice acting I suspect was done more on an individual actor by actor basis, rather than the actors running the scene together and being in the moment.
Rather than lying exclusively in the ethical conflicts of individual actors, the problem here may be structural in nature.
No where, but hundreds to thousands of individual actors..
The number of threats from individual actors is also increasing.
(B) the actor restrains an individual the actor knows is a public servant while the public servant is lawfully discharging an official duty or in retaliation or on account of an exercise of official power or performance of an official duty as a public servant; or
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