Sentences with phrase «individual case studies»

It will take a hands - on approach to filling in the blanks with the correct information through individual case studies using example TREC and TAR forms.
A Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Hopkins has been working with individual case studies of children in Years 2 - 8, monitoring the strategies that they use as they practise solving simple addition problems every day for extended periods of time.
The program encourages innovative research that contributes to building spatially and temporally specific theory that extends understanding beyond individual case studies.
This exploratory, longitudinal study examined six teachers» views on the factors that affect technology use in classrooms, studying teachers of grades 4 - 6 for three years, as a group and as individual case studies.
This methodology provides greater generalizability than do individual case studies alone, and deeper understanding of the dynamics of union - management collaborative partnerships than do surveys.
Overview This webinar will share individual case studies of «Better Together» communities that have been thinking strategically about how to build and strengthen connections to afterschool champions within their community.
In the tradition of writers such as the deceased Oliver Sacks, who based his non-fiction narratives on people who suffer from inconvenient and often bizarre neurological conditions, Ananthaswamy has built his book on several individual case studies.
Empirical evidence through individual case studies and psychological research has revealed that the quest for increased wealth, and associated characteristics of greed, ego, arrogance and the like burdens the mind with anxiety and frustration.
Empirical evidence through individual case studies and psychological research suggests that the appetite for increased wealth, and associated characteristics of greed, ego, arrogance and the like burdens the mind with anxiety and frustration.
On occasion he also performed one - off, individual case studies.
Beyond the anecdotes and individual case studies, there is a common thread among the birds that show the strongest signs of intelligence — the ravens, jays, and other corvids, along with parrots.
This research is an expansion on an individual case study in 2013 of a two - year - old female North Atlantic right whale called Eg 3911, or Bayla, who was first sighted emaciated and entangled in fishing gear on Christmas Day 2010 near Jacksonville, Florida, by an aerial survey team.
Download the individual case studies: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Synthetic Squalane Case Study Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Genetically Modified Plant Case Study Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Biopesticide Case Study Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Oxitec Case Study Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Biomining Case Study
There is still very little empirically validated evidence available for K - 12 online - learning environments outside of individual case studies.
While an individual case study is anecdotal at best, what I would like to see is a comprehensive review of the cases that were brought before the LTB.
JIV does not publish reviews of research, individual case studies, or the conceptual analysis of some aspect of interpersonal violence.
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