Sentences with phrase «individual comments»

The bolder individuals comment on how you've lost / gained weight, need some sun, or, preferably, how great you look.
We are also seeking public input on many of our policies, often receiving thousands of individual comments.
I wish we could respond to individual comments in this forum.
They began each day by writing individual comments on math ideas they observed in the quilt, to prepare for a whole class discussion.
If you provide the URL for your favorite individual comments, I can pop in the links (example) from this end.
And links embedded within individual comments are completely disabled.
I at least six individuals commented on how being debt free was essential to be considered well off.
We often hear from individuals commenting about how they use the shows as discussion topics during worksite parenting groups or download the shows to listen to during commute times.
In response to my recent article, When an Oasis is Really a Mirage, one individual commented about the work of Pomegranate Place, that «We believe that all truth is God's truth, and that all women have truth and wisdom to share.
It includes comments for Reading and Writing (approximately 75 words long) with targets, Topic (approximately 150 words long) which includes Science Art, DT, Geography, IT and PE) with a target, individual comments for the following subjects; IT, PE, Music, DT, RE, History, Geography, Art (approximately 40 words long) and a whole class set for Maths (approximately 150 words long) with targets.
Many individuals commented to Chuck about seeing his MONTEZUMA Brand sauces & salsas in the streets of France.
The teacher would make individual comments such as, «Describe what you mean by...» or «Explain how this can happen.»
The issue is not whether or not this seemingly random individual comments on Nintendos corporate decision or what the general opinion on the firing is (seems justified to me, you don't get to break your contract for the idea of transparency.)
You can also flag individual comments under any video for abuse or spam.
NAR submitted its own individual comment on October 30, 2013.
Social media was used a great deal by individuals, such that #Elxn41 and #CdnPoli became popular hashtags; my impression of that commentary was largely of individuals commenting on what they perceived in the election.
Submit two Letters of Reference from individuals commenting on the applicants academic and professional potential
A number of individuals commenting on Duffy's post (and in the aforementioned Reddit thread) wondered aloud why Microsoft simply didn't use other languages, like Go, Rust or D, rather than inventing a new C# derivative.
Nice to read all individual comments.
(leave a separate comment after you complete each item, each individual comment will count as an entry)
It's only day two of my blogging life but I can already see that if I hope to continue writing these posts and work on my own writing and occasionally feed my family or attempt to fold a piece of laundry, I can't also reply to individual comments on... [Continue reading]
Carol and Janet strongly advise parents to read the feedback as individual comments are produced for every child.
That doesn't mean I automatically throw out individual comments.
In addition to responding directly to the questions in the Winter 2010 Kindle Nation Citizen Survey, the 1,892 individuals who responded also recorded hundreds of individual comments that provide some interesting insights into what makes Kindle owners tick.
Also, please note that because of volume, we are unable to respond to individual comments, although we do watch them in order to learn what issues and questions are most common so that we can produce content that fulfills your needs.
We are no longer able to reply to individual comments on this post asking for help with pet veterinary costs.
Participants will explore these connections between past and present, life and art, in individual comments, roundtable conversations, and dialogue with the audience.
To do so, use the reply box at the very bottom of each individual post (or reply to individual comments).
We can not insure uniform application of the various considerations listed above from one individual comment to the next.
I'm pausing amid a hectic stretch of energy and climate news to seek your «Top Five» lists of individual comments, or contributors whose voices you personally find most attuned to the underlying premise of Dot Earth — to reveal and assess ways to limit losses, human and ecological, on the road toward more or less 9 billion people by mid-century.
i guess when an individual comment gets more than 15 responses, the reply function punks out.
They do not apply to every individual comment on the FM site or to material elsewhere (in any medium).
That goes for both official notices, and individual comments.
Just like Facebook, you can now reply to individual comments; previously, you could only make a general comment under a photo.
«We cleaned up and put the data out there for public consumption, and set up ways to sort by commonly used terms and phrases, but we've not gone through each individual comment,» Sunlight Foundation spokesperson Jenn Topper told the E-Commerce Times.
The individuals commenting on this article have been in the business for a very long time.
So note every visual landscape issue in writing and have the buyer acknowledge receipt of the information by initialing the individual comments and signing the document.
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