Sentences with phrase «individual data points»

Machine - learning programs can combine tons of disparate information sources to make instant decisions based on millions of individual data points, helping to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
It may encompass raw and analyzed data and is presented as individual data points, data tables, graphs, charts, etc..
However, it can be misleading to view individual data points in isolation when analyzing a company.
That single, high - level view of the whole company brings individual data points into focus and paints a portrait of the company as a whole, which drives unlikely connections and insights.
Test your strategies by adjusting individual data points to visualize the future.
You will see that while there are a large number of individual data points to collect, this data is readily available if you know where to look.
We put the question to 207 sales and marketing professionals in a director position or above, and published our findings in a resulting study of 80 + individual data points and datapoint combinations.
Mousing over individual data points will show additional information, including:
The randomness in the lines is one - fifth of the variation among individual data points.
Science: Local temperatures taken as individual data points have nothing to do with the long - term trend of global warming.
While each piece of such information is too weak to produce a reliable prediction, when tens, hundreds, or thousands of individual data points are combined, the resulting predictions become really accurate.
The most important takeaway here is not the individual data point; rather, it's that Intent data is meaningless unless it's informed by Fit data.
Although you can also look at football helmet ratings, the NOCSAE cautions «against an over-reliance on any individual data point, rating or measurement which could lead to inaccurate conclusions or even a false sense of security that one helmet brand or model guarantees a measurably higher level of concussion protection than another for a particular athlete.»
A cell was considered to be positive for a given marker if the value for ΔCt value was 21 cycles or less compared to cyclophilin levels within the same cell (individual data points, Figure 2a).
Then simply look at the individual data points.
Similarly, taxpayers desire information about the performance of their schools, and neither parents nor the taxpaying public should have to manually sort through data on each individual school (clicking through websites and eye - balling each individual data point) in order to get a sense of their performance.
Students can investigate relationships between lines obtained using each of these methods of describing the error, they can examine how each of the methods is affected by individual data points, and they can look at the influence of extreme values.
Again, the individual data point may be far less relevant than the longer - term trend.
The site currently includes 201 topics and displays 135,025 individual data points.
The so - called «warming skeptic» crowd seems quite pleased to accept an individual data point that seems to support their position, but they put their collective fingers in their ears for the bulk of the data.
In the extreme, individual data points could be removed if they were deemed to be «unrealistic» and replaced with more «realistic» ones.
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