Sentences with phrase «individual educators»

With the PD Online series, districts and schools are able to personalize and monitor professional development for individual educators and groups looking to earn college course or professional development credits.
This work by individual educators is hard but powerful, and it requires teachers to commit to walking a long, shared journey over time.
A: For us, it's not just about strengthening the knowledge and skills and abilities of individual educators.
Yes, our paper is just one more piece of evidence that you need to focus on individual educators to move the needle in schools.
Second, many current accountability systems hold individual educators accountable for outcomes, which is in direct tension with a focus on collective responsibility for performance.
During the summer, we host a summer workshop series where individual educators can sign up for 2 and 3 day workshops with colleagues from around the world.
It provides practitioners with detailed information on state policies, statewide programs, and access to tools that help individual educators achieve goals with their students.
Individuals: There are many individual educators and advocates throughout the country working to advance participatory, student - centered learning in a variety of ways.
Individual educators such as principals or school or district leaders are eligible.
She provides professional and curriculum development for schools and individual educators through consultation, in - service training, and workshops.
With the PD Online series, districts and schools can personalize and monitor professional development for individual educators and groups looking to earn college course or professional development credits.
It is therefore incumbent on individual educators to help students interact with media in ways that are critical and empowering.
AAEF is committed to offering individual educators various avenues for improving effectiveness in the classroom.
AAEF is committed to offering individual educators various avenues for improving student outcomes and developing in their careers.
A bipartisan panel of congressional staffers who expressed a collective desire to advance ESEA reauthorization — even in the face of deep disagreement over accountability particulars — and who affirmed that members of Congress value insight from individual educators on improving policy so it's more effective at the school and classroom levels
Developed by SSS Learning as a «much needed» catalyst for change in safeguarding training the hour - long course is fully CPD - accredited and certifies individual educators, replacing «often insufficient» traditional group training methods.
He oversees ASCD's efforts to build and develop stronger relationships with individual educators and educator groups — including ASCD affiliates and peer organizations — and strengthen the association's connections to strategic partners and policymakers.
Although we can take steps as individual educators to avoid learned helplessness, we need to reexamine the systems of schooling, from curriculum to assessment and instruction, to allow for empowerment rather than always getting the right answer.
In every case, Scholar's Choice works in partnership with educators, providing advice, offering ideas, and matching individual educators «needs with the specific resources to help.
Teachers pushed back, with good reason: Using test scores and VAM to judge individual educators has major design flaws, among them that this year's A teacher can be next year's F teacher because of random variations that have nothing to do with teaching quality.
The Principals» Center flourished reaching individual educators from all over the world and, in some cases, teams of educators poised to be change agents upon their return to their schools.
While individual educators can develop the skills necessary to help students succeed in the new economy, if that capacity does not spread throughout the school, and if the school lacks the tools needed for teachers to effectively instruct in the digital world, ultimately, students will suffer.
We look forward to the Supreme Court's decision this spring and hope that the court puts the voices of individual educators over the budgets of the teacher labor unions.»
How are schools and individual educators challenging inequity and rethinking assumptions about poverty, race, and gender?
Moreover, we are 15 years into the data - driven school - reform movement, which is based on the idea that racial - and economic - achievement gaps are largely caused by the «benign racism of low expectations,» and that the solution is to hold individual educators accountable for meeting discrete, quantifiable targets.
Testimonial Videos follow individual educators on their journeys through implementing a variety of new skills and practices.
There are literally hundreds of other efforts too, including activities in local school buildings by organizations like Up For Learning in Vermont, school district programs like New York City's Student Voice Collaborative, and individual educators like Donnan Stoicovy in Pennsylvania (McGarry & Stoicovy, 2014; Dzur, 2013) and Nelson Beaudoin in Maine.
In many cases, individual educators don't have a choice about the application of multiple measures — for example, in their school's reporting of adequate yearly progress under NCLB.
Identify individual educator strategies and agency - level support structures that build resiliency in diverse groups of youth
Promote a sense of ownership by aligning individual educators» personal philosophies and visions into a shared vision for the collaborative learning community.
It trains teachers, administrators, and support staff on site in schools and also offers individual educators online training that comes with a manual and a CD.
Dr Philip Riley's report includes a series of recommendations that governments, employers and unions can adopt to make things better, but good mental health and wellbeing can also be addressed by individual educators, in small but important ways, to improve what he refers to as one's «personal capital».
Choosing professional learning for individual educators or service - wide?
Developed as a «much needed» catalyst for change in safeguarding training, the concise courses are fully CPD - accredited and certify individual educators, replacing «often insufficient or costly» traditional group training methods.
The above points can be used as tools for reflection by services or individual educators in making decisions about professional learning opportunities as well as thinking about how professional learning is supported within the workplace.
AAEF is committed to offering individual educators various avenues for improving their effectiveness and student outcomes.
Tyack & Cuban: «Certain calls for change do seem to have recurred again and again in cyclical fashion, often within the lifetime of individual educators and sometimes at a dizzying pace... Reformers, for example, have alternately proposed student - centered pedagogy or teacher - centered instruction, attention to academic or to practical knowledge, and centralized or decentralized governance of schools.»
What purpose is being served by the way we design assessments as individual educators, states, and national entities?
The Innovation Fund sought proposals from individual educators, teams of educators and district leaders seeking to improve systems that foster social and emotional skills in fresh, inventive or innovative ways.
The Association of American Educators Foundation is committed to offering individual educators various avenues for improving their effectiveness and student outcomes.
What a shame... and standardized testing, what a revolting way to judge the merit of a school system (more specifically ~ an individual educator) I was horrified to find out from a family friend who was a Special Education teacher a few years ago (who is now my sons 7th grade, general Ed., Language Arts teacher), that the BOE pays for the special Ed teachers to go to a 3 day long In Service, instructing them how to get their Spec.
For individual educators, it's harder to do that kind of teaching on a daily basis.
In the world of schooling, the majority of highly successful turnaround cases seem to be those where an individual educator had not only the right idea about instruction, but also the tenacity to bend or break those rules that would have prevented meaningful changes at the school level.
Each individual educator becomes a potential source of information.
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