Sentences with phrase «individual forcings»

The phrase "individual forcings" refers to the separate factors or influences that contribute to a certain outcome or situation. It means looking at each specific cause or element that has an impact, rather than considering them all together as a whole. Full definition
Consequently, the assessment of consistency between models and observations is usually more demanding, while more weight is given to models in the estimation of individual forcing contributions.
The estimates are based on multiple regression of the reconstructions on fingerprints for individual forcings.
What prevents that is the lack of thorough calculations of the net and individual forcings in the other climate models.
This is the most relevant case for comparison with observational estimates, as the effect of individual forcings can not be observed in the latter.
Summarize what is known about the direct and indirect radiative effects caused by individual forcing agents, including the spatial and temporal scales over which specific forcing agents may be important;
Aiming to draw an alternative practice of map - making, the work consists of eight films that focus the audience's gaze on the tortuous and complex journeys taken by individuals forced to cross borders illegally.
Marvel et al. calculate TCR and ECS estimates using forcing values from Shindell 2014, Otto et al. 2013 and Lewis and Curry 2014, both with and without adjusting the efficacies of each constituent individual forcing estimate used by each.
From the current knowledge of individual forcing mechanisms presented here it remains extremely likely that the combined anthropogenic RF is both positive and substantial (best estimate: +1.6 W m — 2).
The rule, which will go into effect for new accounts in about eight months, will not prohibit individual forced arbitration — meaning individual consumers (as opposed to groups of consumers) could still be be blocked from going to court against financial firms.
My Figure 4 showed that when LU forcing was deducted, the excess of Historical forcing over the sum of the six individual forcings analysed by Marvel et al. almost exactly matched forcing from black carbon deposited on snow and ice (Snow Albedo BC), a minor forcing included in the Historical simulations in addition to the six forcing analysed in Marvel et al..
On a press call, Eric Goldberg, senior counsel at CFPB, said the agency did not choose to block individual forced arbitration because not enough information had been collected, but that it would be monitoring requests by companies to arbitrate.
It can be said that non-religous individuals force their moral values and judgements on Christians and other religious individuals.
Announcing the group's formation in 1933, Nash wrote «The formation of Unit One is a method of concentrating certain individual forces; a hard defence, a compact wall against the tide, behind which development can proceed and experiment continue».
I started the regression in 1851 as there appeared to be a ~ 0.004 W / m2 jump in Historical forcing relative to the sum of individual forcings between 1850 and 1851.
Having derived efficacies for individual forcing agents, they then use them to re-estimate climate sensitivity from observed historical warming, using data for three previous studies and arriving at higher estimates than in those studies.
Figure 5: Contributions of individual forcing agents to the total change in the decadal average temperature for three time periods.
They do this by simulations over the historical period (1850 — 2005) driven by individual forcings, and by all forcings together, the latter referred to as the «Historical» simulation.
But at the moment guidelines, training programmes and usage data are left up to each individual force and the results are predictably fuzzy.
A Home Office spokesman said: «It is a matter for individual forces to monitor all outstanding warrant cases and be accountable for when warrants are not executed.»
Among the advances achieved since the 2001 IPCC report is that scientists have quantified the uncertainties associated with each individual forcing mechanism through a combination of many modeling and observational studies.
The individual forces are the weakest binding forces that exist in nature, but they add up to reach magnitudes that we can perceive very clearly on the macroscopic scale — as in the example of the gecko.
To estimate the force required to move the shovel, simply imagine each plate is on its own and add up all the tiny, individual forces of each plate, at each specific location and orientation along the shovel.
By combining their video recordings with force measurements taken from a specialized plate installed in the floor, the researchers were able to assess the individual forces exerted by the animals» forelimbs, hindlimbs, and tail.
This can be described using a relative «efficacy» factor that depends on the individual forcing.
Esper, Moberg and others expect different feedbacks for each individual forcing.
Figure 4: Contributions of individual forcing agents to the total decadal temperature change for three time periods.
However, we also include the individual forcings in Table S1, in case researchers wish to replace specific forcings or use them for other purposes.
In # 516, an array of individual forces are separating from the overall image and fracturing the armature of an artificial synthesis.
Inspired by Chilean novelist Roberto Bolaño's 1980 novella Antwerp, Peñalosa sought to see the city through the lens of his book during her two - month stay, finding correlation between a fictional tale of fleeing animals and those individuals forced to flee their homes, in Antwerp or elsewhere.
That's clear from recent peer - reviewed reports such as Marvel et al 2016: Implications for climate sensitivity from the response to individual forcings, and Sherwood et al. 2014: Spread in model climate sensitivity traced to atmospheric convective mixing.
This can be described using a relative «efficacy» factor that depends on the individual forcing.
I reported in a previous post, here, a number of serious problems that I had identified in Marvel et al. (2015): Implications for climate sensitivity from the response to individual forcings.
Figure 5: Contributions of individual forcing agents to the total change in the decadal average temperature for three time periods.
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