Sentences with phrase «individual in a visual way»

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So if the individual shot, and the often excessive privileging of the visual over the aural in much mise en scène analysis is deemed by Martin an exponentially inaccurate and unreliable guide, what does he suggest are productive ways of updating this concept, and why does it remain relevant despite such historical baggage?
As noted in Edutopia's Multiple Intelligences brief, Harvard Professor Howard Gardner describes learning styles as how an individual approaches a range of tasks «categorized in different ways: visual / auditory / kinesthetic, impulsive / reflective, right brain / left brain, etc..
Student scores in Grammar Fitness are presented in numerous ways, including a «heat map» visual display to help educators easily target specific areas in which students need help and focus on those students who may need individual assistance.
Color field painters efface the individual mark in favor of large, flat, stained and soaked areas of color, considered to be the essential nature of visual abstraction along with the actual shape of the canvas, which Frank Stella in particular achieved in unusual ways with combinations of curved and straight edges.
Hung in a purely visual way, designed to engage attention through the inherent qualities of individual works of art, and in juxtaposition with other pieces across a broadly chronological run, these displays will form the back - bone to the gallery experience.
Contemporary visual dialogues are dominated by the selfie — by reframing these images in a wider context, Gori and Kelly expose the raw, fragile, often humorous and performative ways in which individuals choose to be remembered.»
That's why it is difficult to define the visual production uniformly, but Metelkova City dictates specific operational conditions of production that in one way or another affect the actual artistic practice of each individual artist.
Even though there was a settlement in this case, the agreed upon changes do not affect the content of the LSAT nor do they affect the procedures that individuals with visual impairments have to follow in a substantial way.
Skills: The best way to represent skills in a visual / graphical résumé is to quantify your expertise for an individual skill.
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