Sentences with phrase «individual loss»

Because any given tree loss event has the potential to affect ecoclimate teleconnections, and tree loss is occurring simultaneously in disparate regions, assessments are needed that account for concurrent tree loss events to assess whether ecological responses differ from those of individual loss events.
• formally recognise the social and economic determinants of harmful uses of alcohol namely poverty, mental health, unemployment, an ongoing sense of grief and loss, alienation, boredom, cultural acceptance of drunkenness, ease of access and cost of alcohol, peer pressure «to drink» and epigenetics in some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and for some individuals
The failure is not simply a private individual loss, but affects the shape of our lives as a whole, because work provides the status and capabilities for us to be able to play our parts in the spheres of family, politics and community.
In response to our own global nightmare, it might be time to reconsider what the core of the game is, and to begin thinking less about what it says about individual loss and more about the communal action it dreamed up in response to global tragedy.
The litigation demanded a great deal of resources which Fleming Nolen Jez, L.L.P. was able to provide while undertaking the necessary tasks of documenting individual losses, estimating damages, and gathering the requisite proof of losses for each case.
For consumers with small absolute individual losses there is nowhere to turn unless a regulator intervenes as happened with the SWAPS mis - selling and to some extent in Wonga.
Earthquakes and floods are never included in a standard home, renters or condo insurance policy, but flooding accounts for more individual losses than any other insurable peril.
The women suing aren't just seeking a payout from the company to compensate them for their individual losses.
When your team doesn't lose very frequently, you can hold on to individual losses and wait out your shot at revenge.
Young, fit, football players who cramp when sweating extensively may need to consume more salt and fluid, based on their individual losses.
Without relying on statements from government officials, forensic experts, or observes who see it all from afar, Heineman manages to skip the headlines and focused on the individual loss, fear, and powerlessness from everyday people.
This so called «Blitz Spirit,» though likely exaggerated and glorified over time, disappointed Germany's hopes of crushing the English via personal and individual loss.
What works for me is to look at the portfolio value as a whole, not at the individual loss being taken to account.
If your individual losses differ in size significantly and the numbers are all over the place, it might be time to look into your position sizing a little closer to get more consistent results.
Nate Kragness presents My Free Cash Diversifying your Portfolio: Four Asset Classes Critical to Long - Term Success posted at My Free Cash Your Guide to Money Management, saying, «By protecting your capital with diversification strategies, and maintaining each of these four asset classes, you ensure that your total portfolio continues to grow, even in spite of any individual losses or market conditions.
I also knew neither of you would ever betray your comrades and confess an individual loss.
The individual loss per person was around # 3,000.
Created at the turn of the millennium, the wall suggests a way of representing both collective and individual loss, as well as referencing other existing memorial walls or structures.
Both the OFT and the CJC recommend the power to award aggregate damages, obviating the need for proof of individual loss; there would be court approval of any proposed settlement in an action brought by a representative body on behalf of unnamed consumers or businesses.
The entire class has an interest in the resolution of this question because, where the defendant realized a gain as a result of wrongful conduct, the claim of waiver of tort might be advanced by the class as a whole without requiring proof of individual loss.
The policy limits you select for your individual loss assessment coverage should depend on your HOA's master policy limits.
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