Sentences with phrase «individual opinion»

Policies that help people reduce their energy use through energy efficiency improvements thus receive wide support, regardless of individual opinions about climate change.
We respect that fans are entitled to their different individual opinions but we will always run this great football club with its best long - term interests at heart.
While individual opinions are not necessarily reliable, a clear pattern of negative or positive reviews usually reflect what you are likely to find.
And meanwhile, it's unrealistic for every single citizen to go to the mayor and express individual opinions given the size of Chinese cities.
There is no place in these lessons for respecting individual opinions.
Any testimonials should be presented as individual opinions, not facts.
What exactly is in a child's best interests is often a matter of individual opinion or interpretation.
There are no rules in fashion really, just people's individual opinions on how different fashion pieces should be styled and most times they are based on personal style and preferences.
Customers» ratings and reviews reflect individual opinions and are not intended as indications of suitability or as predictions of any product / investment performance, may not represent the experience of any other customer, and should not be relied upon as bases for any purchase decision.
The art critic confronts this consensus and tries to express an independent, individual opinion in spite of it — a thankless task.
Or, does it go deeper than any random, rickety theory based upon individual opinion.
They wish to leave such «value judgements» to the «market» of diverging individual opinions, each of which is rationally self - serving.
Sloppy theological arguments based on transient cultural norms and individual opinions do not hold up when we take an honest look at whether Christians should participate in or watch boxing and MMA.
LOL, every fan have different opinion on whats wrong with wenger, let me give you real truth, look at table, we are 12 points behind leaders, and its november, like wenger or not, we are sh*t, individual opinions wont change anything, we should put ultimatum to Wenger and Board, next year title or out, simple, like wenger or not, if you are not productive than you are not needed.
With regard to the most recent news media revelations about Barnstable County Government, and speaking only as one individual County Commissioner, it is my candid individual opinion that the best interests of the larger Cape Cod towns are negatively impacted by the misguided actions and uninformed statements of outer - Cape representatives on the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates!
«We respect that fans are entitled to their different individual opinions»??
Although choices might reflect individual opinions, I would prefer prudence over free will.
While individual opinions will form on the quality of work shown and people may talk of dilution, that is not the concern of BOS.
When family members can unite around common values and vision and learn to appreciate each other's individual opinions and interests, having hard conversations and approaching generational transition become easier.
Thank you for pointing out that our individual opinions regarding what may or may not have happened at some point in human history about two thousand years ago, that our individual opinions regarding the credibility (or lack thereof) of gospel accounts in terms of their accuracy and historicity, do not trump what actually happened (or didn't happen) in human history about two thousand years ago.
The most conservative school, Hanbali, tends to emphasize the Qur» an and sunna and is suspicious of ijma and qiyas, while the most liberal, Hanafi, tends to emphasize qiyas and individual opinion.
Now as far as religion and cults being a fraud that is an individual opinion.
Both those with and those without authority are bound by common restraints on individual opinion, or at least they ought to be.
The point of Whitehead is that Russell should have kept his «individual opinion,» which he was free to hold, without «heedless... propagation» of it.3 This defense of the State is not absolute, for the danger will pass and then new occasions will teach new duties.
(Sure, there are individual opinions about certain matters, but there are individual opinions about the alien heritage of the British monarchy.)
If you would take the time to «grow up» philosophically, you would realise like the rest of us grownups that individual opinion / belief is just that; an individual thing.
Individual opinions are nice and all, but you have to remember to that this is a public forum.
Thus the decisor «may not arbitrarily seize upon an individual opinion or a solitary source to the negation of the weight of halakhic precedent or consensus.
Ken 1945 - you continue to berate «certain» posters who voice their individual opinions and views in a manner maybe different from how you would put over your views.However a point you should consider is why the very high majority hold a completely different view from yourself.
The phrase «individual opinions» of the fans was a give away, basically in translation into plain English it reads «let all the little fans who support Arsenal f**k off we will decide what's best for them and let them know when we are good and ready».
you have to laugh at the» fans are entitled to their different individual opinions» part?
Regardless of our individual opinions on players and who is good and bad, we just do nt have all the key ingrediants any more.
On the aggregate however, there is a way to get the most out of people's individual opinions, no matter how internally biased they are.
It's a lot of different ideas and individual opinions / often shouting against each other.
Concern is growing amongst reform advocates that Assembly Democrats have fallen back to their default position under Silver of waiting to voice their individual opinions until they are told what the leader has decided.
«All of you can be individual opinion - leaders,» with the use of social media, said Matthew Nisbet, associate professor of communication studies at Northeastern University and a science communication researcher at AAAS.
«The panel consensus is not my individual opinion,» says panel member Mausumi Dikpati of the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, Colorado.
I think he is fundamentally mistaken on this point and his too - frequent absolutist statements based on preliminary science are a classic example of why «consensus» reports are both more careful and more correct than an individual opinion.
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