Sentences with phrase «individual packets»

The phrase "individual packets" refers to separate small containers or envelopes that hold something, like food, medicine, or data. Full definition
Each box of Mushroom Coffee contains 10 individual packets of instant coffee with 50 mg of caffeine per serving while the tin jar comes with 30 servings.
Also available in individual packets for on - the - go convenience.
Also cool is you can often find it in individual packets which is helpful for traveling.
As a bonus, they conveniently come wrapped in individual packets so I can store a few in my purse and gym bag, or take them with me when I travel.
Unlike regular skincare masks which have to be applied by hand and can sometimes get super messy, sheet masks come in individual packets for easy, mess - free application.
The European countries that I've been in sell baking powder in small individual packets, and recipes usually indicate «1 packet» as opposed to a quantity that one must measure out.
Their product line is much bigger now, and the only solution I came up with was to buy a few individual packets from a variety of their options to see what I preferred.
Just wish it wasn't so expensive and that it came in a little bottle not little individual packets.
I don't recommend using the quick cooking oats sold in individual packets.
20 Individual Packets 3 grams each packet The main ingredient in Four Sigma's Chaga Elixir is, of course, pure wild - crafted chaga mushroom.
Nearly anyone you ask will say a glass of orange juice is among their go - to common cold remedies, and I have even seen gas stations selling individual packets of fizzy Vitamin C.
In addition to the Sriracha Big Mac, McDonald's will also be serving up individual packets of the Sriracha Mac sauce.
Stevia can be purchased in individual packets like sugar, as an extract or in a bulk powder.
Maypo is much more versatile than other instant oatmeals because it's sold in boxes versus individual packets, making it easier for cooking and you can prepare as much as you like.
Pack compliant trail mixes, almond butter individual packets, fruit, crudités, or any of your other favorite snacks for the times you are stuck somewhere and hungry enough to eat your arm.
How can you make the spaces that people displace into a collective energy field - in other words take the idea of spatial extension from the idea of a singularity, producing an expanded field to an immersive field of individual packets of energy?
You can purchase them as individual packets, each skill contains approximately 32 cards and a classroom poster outlining that particular skill, or the entire bundle of 5 sets, with all of the cute posters too.
20 Individual Packets 3 g per packet The main ingredient in Four Sigmatic's Cordyceps Elixir is, of course, pure cordyceps mushroom.
They come in individual packets so they are perfect to toss in your gym bag which will come in handy after working out.
Justin's offers peanut, almond, and hazelnut butters that are available in individual packets as well as jars.
When Skinnygirl first started out, I had these individual packets of green juice cleanses.
, I noticed that the ingredients of the individual packets are «organic fair trade acai puree», which is lovely — but then it says «less than 0.5 % of: soy lecithin and citric acid.
And those individual packets... those would be very tempting to snack on during the day.
Excellent @ I bought the individual packets which is so convenient!
Last but definitely not least are these individual packets of Justin's almond butter.
Or if they don't, and you're not sure where to start, Culturelle is a good brand that is gluten - and dairy - free, and comes in individual packets you can use for each batch of yogurt.
These individual packets are great for portion control and for a nice presentation.
Simply open an individual packet of the kid - friendly flavors, and mix with water to help your child get back to full strength as soon as possible.
Trail Mix: You can either get trail mix in a big bag or in individual packets.
Some people believe the pods look like candy and the bill sponsored by two downstate Democrats, state Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas, calls to «child - proof» the product by putting them individual packets with a warning unless they are designed with a uniform color.
Think about it: This purchase comes with 40 individual packets of pellets irresistible to mice, Norway rats and roof rats.
You'll get 45 individual packets of bait, so you can cover a large area and still have some poison left for additional seasons or infestations.
This has a great chocolate taste and the individual packets make it easy to have this as a healthy snack on the go.
2 eggs 1/2 cup egg whites 1/2 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup coconut flour 1/4 cup (about 1 scoop or 1 packet if you have individual packets) vanilla protein powder 1/2 tsp baking powder smidge (pinch) salt 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 peach
There are a few different sizes available: a 375 - gram tub, a box of 30 individual packets and a tube that has 14 individial packets.
Or if they don't, and you're not sure where to start, Culturelle is a good brand that is gluten - and dairy - free, and comes in individual packets you can use for each batch of yogurt.
Keep in mind that a single serving of a fiber supplement (such as two teaspoons of Benefiber or an individual packet of Metamucil) is equal to three grams of fiber, so even if you're taking it three times a day, you're only getting nine grams of fiber a day.
The extra cost is due to the materials for the packets and the process of packaging the individual packets.
If you are a guy or gal that is always on - the - go they have individual packets and now have collagen creamers in coconut, vanilla and gingerbread!
Each box of Mushroom Elixir contains 20 individual packets.
The inositol will be proportioned in individual packets that contain 2,050 mg inositol in the 40:1 ratio.
Meet Aukalife, organic superfood blends, perfectly measured in individual packets — the easiest way to do smoothies.
tube) Freeman Dead Sea Minerals and Hydrating Mask ($ 1.99 individual packet) For...
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