Sentences with phrase «individual psychopathology»

There is important overlap between knowledge of individuals and knowledge of groups, such as the role of individual psychopathology in treatment, for example.
On this project, he investigates how intergenerational continuities in poor and strong parenting, deviant contexts, and individual psychopathology influence youth adjustment and health risk.
It has been clear for some time that individual psychopathology and family relationships are intertwined.
Recent studies suggest the importance of individual psychopathology as a predictor of aggression for women.
Individual psychopathology and marital distress - Analyzing the association and implications for therapy.
An indication for conjoint treatment: An application based on an assessment of individual psychopathology: Psychiatric Quarterly Vol 49 (2) Sum 1977, 97 - 109.
An expert committee on the psychological causes of terrorism concluded in 2005 that individual psychopathology was insufficient to explain terrorism.

Not exact matches

«In short,» said Pandey, «epigenetic reprogramming in the brain due to early life experiences or exposure to alcohol can lead to the changes in gene functions and predispose an individual to adult psychopathology
We study emotion regulation and decision making in healthy individuals and in a wide range of psychopathologies, including their development.
Provided individual therapy to shelter residents with severe psychopathology and acute substance abuse.
Conversely, does greater acculturation of Caucasian immigrants to East Asian cultures confer greater protection against psychopathology in individuals with social sensitivity alleles?
Cultural psychiatry is concerned with the social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and psychosocial treatments of the range of mental and behavioural problems in individuals, families and communities.
Tylenda's scholarly work centers on psychological assessment of individuals with intellectual disability (ID), concomitant psychopathology in the DD population, and broader education to the profession and public regarding the psychiatric and psychological challenges of children and adolescents presenting with DD.
Transcultural Psychiatry provides a channel of communication for psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, and social scientists concerned with the social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and psychosocial treatments of mental and behavioural problems in individuals, families and communities.
ADULT EVALUATION TOTAL (18 and up) ADOLESCENT EVALUATION TOTAL (14 to 18) IQ / COGNITIVE PROFILE TOTAL (16 and up)- PERSONALITY PROFILE TOTAL (14 and up) INDIVIDUAL Individual tests may be administered (with referral to assess cognitive functioning, personality, psychopathology, or behaviINDIVIDUAL Individual tests may be administered (with referral to assess cognitive functioning, personality, psychopathology, or behaviIndividual tests may be administered (with referral to assess cognitive functioning, personality, psychopathology, or behavior.»
Interpersonal psychotherapy (or perhaps another specialty therapy such as CBT) should be recommended as the treatment of choice for that subset of individuals with BED (30 % of the sample in this study) with low self - esteem and a high level of specific eating disorder psychopathology.
Moreover, individuals who endorse these symptoms probably warrant continued follow up to monitor the development of severe psychopathology.
The implications of this research for developmental psychopathology and clinical work are discussed with an emphasis on parent — child jointly constructed narratives as the meeting point of individual child and parent narratives.
In effect, experimentally manipulating individuals» goals and beliefs would provide evidence for the role these processes play in orienting the emotion - regulation processes, and also in the field of psychopathology.
Psychological Evaluation Services: Psychosexual Risk Evaluation (Pre-Trial, Post-Conviction / Pre-Sentence, Post-Sentence and for DCFS); Sex Offender Evaluation (State and Federal Cases); Psychosexual Evaluation (Sexually Problematic Behaviors / Addiction); Violence Risk and Threat Assessment (Workplace, K - 12, University, and Private Individuals); Mental Health Certification for Firearm Possession Evaluation (IL - FOID); Fitness for Duty Evaluation (Public Safety Personnel and Corporate Employees); Independent Medical Examination (IME); and General Evaluation (Mental Status, Cognitive Functioning, Psychopathology, Substance Use).
Numerous researchers in psychology and psychopathology have examined the responses of individuals in coping with emotion - filled situations (e.g., Ayers, Sandler, West, & Roosa, 1996; Carver et al., 1989; Endler & Parker, 1990; Freud 1896/2000; Garnefski, Kraaij, & Spinhoven, 2001; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Parkinson & Totterdell, 1999).
We contend that childhood temperament shapes the manner in which individuals perceive their surroundings, which influences their social interactions in a reciprocal manner and eventual social and mental health outcomes.17 This dynamic is particularly evident in early adolescence during which the emergence of the peer group as a more salient influence on development coincides with sharp increases in psychopathology, 16 particularly SAD.6, 15,18 Temperament also shapes vital cognitive processes, such as attention and certain executive processes which provide the foundation from which children perceive and respond to social cues in the environment.
The Symptom Checklist -90-Revised (SCL -90-R; 90 items) screens for a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology with individuals 13 years of age and older.
Classification and etiology of psychopathology and substance use disorders, personality disorders, personality psychology, quantitative and molecular genetics, quantitative models of individual differences
«I believe that an individual's difficulties are not always due to abnormal psychopathology, but can sometimes arise as a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.
Salivary cortisol levels in 10 — 12 year old children; a population - based study of individual differences and potential confounders of the cortisol - psychopathology relationship
Adolescence is characterized by major biological, psychological and social challenges and opportunities, where interaction between the individual and environment is intense, and developmental pathways are set in motion or become established.2 — 4 Furthermore, adolescent psychopathology can have important consequences for education, relationships and socioeconomic achievement in later life.5 — 7 These characteristics of adolescence do not only set high demands for cohort studies aiming to capture the most salient aspects of developmental pathways, they also ensure a great gain in empirical knowledge and an invaluable source of information for public health policy from such studies.
Developmental psychopathology is just as interested in an individual who has not followed a normal development pattern but does not exhibit disorders as it is in an individual who exhibits abnormal behavior because of developmental deviations.
The «practice of clinical social work» is defined as the use of scientific and applied knowledge, theories, and methods for the purpose of describing, preventing, evaluating, and treating individual, couple, marital, family, or group behavior, based on the person - in - situation perspective of psychosocial development, normal and abnormal behavior, psychopathology, unconscious motivation, interpersonal relationships, environmental stress, differential assessment, differential planning, and data gathering.
The «practice of marriage and family therapy» is defined as the use of scientific and applied marriage and family theories, methods, and procedures for the purpose of describing, evaluating, and modifying marital, family, and individual behavior, within the context of marital and family systems, including the context of marital formation and dissolution, and is based on marriage and family systems theory, marriage and family development, human development, normal and abnormal behavior, psychopathology, human sexuality, psychotherapeutic and marriage and family therapy theories and techniques.
To properly assess individuals for a range of mental illnesses, developmental psychopathology, cognitive and neurodevelopmental disorders, and maladaptive interpersonal behaviors, clinical psychologists must understand the empirical research on measurement and evaluation.
The findings suggest that although low levels of social and physical aggression may not bode poorly for adjustment, individuals engaging in high levels of social and physical aggression in middle childhood may be at greatest risk for adolescent psychopathology, whether they increase or desist in their aggression through early adolescence.
In the first, a member of a couple is treated by an individual therapist, which, the textbook notes, is suitable especially for instances in which one spouse refuses to join marital therapy but a «poor choice, however, in the presence of marital disturbance and severe psychopathology...» Individual therapy for a marital problem does not give the therapist an adequately full picture of the marital interactions, nor adequate leverage to help both participants to symmetrically address their contributions to thindividual therapist, which, the textbook notes, is suitable especially for instances in which one spouse refuses to join marital therapy but a «poor choice, however, in the presence of marital disturbance and severe psychopathology...» Individual therapy for a marital problem does not give the therapist an adequately full picture of the marital interactions, nor adequate leverage to help both participants to symmetrically address their contributions to thIndividual therapy for a marital problem does not give the therapist an adequately full picture of the marital interactions, nor adequate leverage to help both participants to symmetrically address their contributions to the problem.
Her research projects and collaborations include 1) basic science studies on commitment, cohabitation, aggression, infidelity, family background, relationship processes and psychopathology, military families, and adolescent and child adjustment as well as 2) studies on the effectiveness of preventive relationship interventions for couples and individuals (including gene - environment interactions).
Personal or individual (e.g., biological sex, age, immigrant status, socioeconomic status, attitudes and beliefs, mental health and psychopathology), relational or interpersonal (e.g., relationship type, relationship satisfaction), and environmental (e.g., economic strain, social isolation) risk factors associated with the occurrence of domestic abuse are identified.
On the other hand, there is a high proportion of individuals with scores that indicate psychopathology.
Thirty - six semester hours or 48 quarter hours of graduate coursework, which must include a minimum of 3 semester hours or 4 quarter hours of graduate - level course credits in each of the following nine areas: dynamics of marriage and family systems; marriage therapy and counseling theory and techniques; family therapy and counseling theory and techniques; individual human development theories throughout the life cycle; personality theory or general counseling theory and techniques; psychopathology; human sexuality theory and counseling techniques; psychosocial theory; and substance abuse theory and counseling techniques.
Attachment disorganization is likely to constitute a broad relational risk factor for psychopathology that cuts across conventional diagnostic categories and interacts with individual biological vulnerability, producing a range of psychiatric symptoms.
A score placing the individual at or above 90th percentile is indicative of high risk for the existence of psychopathology such as major depression.
In addition to supporting individual emotion regulation development and strategies, this work also suggests that minimizing contextual stressors and environmental risk will be critical as well — stressors that we know further compromise emotion regulation abilities (e.g., see [97] for a review of the effects of environmental stress on the response and regulatory systems and subsequent risk for psychopathology).
The findings are discussed within a developmental psychopathology framework in which disturbance in self - processes is constructed through successive transactions between the individual and environment.
The early onset of psychopathology implies a formidable cost for both the individual and society.
Aberrant emotional attention, particularly among individuals high on aggression, constitutes one such deficit; however, its robustness across race / ethnicity requires further investigation given findings that the psychopathy construct manifests differently across race (Sullivan and Kosson 2006), and emotional attention is susceptible to the influence of adverse environmental factors such as violence exposure that is more common among ethnic minority youth (Kimonis et al. in Development and Psychopathology, 20, 569 — 589, 2008b).
At the same time, research has also indicated that «even extreme stress is not linked to psychopathology in all individuals,» as 50 % of individuals who experience stress do not develop psychopathology (Ingram and Luxton 2005, p. 32).
We can use sport and exercise in such areas as coaching, diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology, individual, marital or family therapy, to maximize the overall well - being of sport, exercise, and physical activity participants.
Also, we tested whether maternal drug use and psychopathology interacted with neonatal behavioral characteristics to explain individual differences in parenting related stress in early infancy.
Furthermore, individuals with SUDs and comorbid psychopathology show even greater deficits in emotion regulation [71], and substance use risk is greater among those who experience distress and related psychiatric affective disorders [28].
The quality of the parent — child relationship, parenting practices, and individual parental factors such as criminality, psychopathology, and discipline techniques, may be particularly influential and preclude finding simple relations among these factors.
Individual differences in defensive stress - responses: the potential relevance for psychopathology.
Our data suggest that SED's relationship with different neurobiological substrates, likely determined by each individual genetic vulnerabilities and / or previous or co-occurring exposure to other environmental factors, accounts, at least partially, to its differential associations with disparate domains of psychopathology.
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