Sentences with phrase «individual religions»

The histories of individual religions are well - documented, but the evolution of religion itself is not well - understood.
The problem I have with individual religions asserting themselves to be the «one and only truth», is that they are simply not available to every human being occupying the planet.
There are more than 50 popular or widely used online dating sites, and approximately 170 online dating services catering for individual religions or sexual preferences just to name a few examples.
Such is the case both with individual religions and with religion in general.
He may be convinced that individual religion is insufficient, especially in the present storm, either to strengthen the individual or to maintain the testimonies which we prize, but when he proposes to join a church he is baffled.
Had we always been limited to individual religion, like that which is fashionable now, we should not even be aware of the great testimonies which have survived so many crises and which the average individualist cherishes.
Smith and Denton regard this «recognizable religion» as a middle way between organizational religion (that of churches, denominations and seminaries) and individual religion (which is idiosyncratic, eclectic, syncretistic).
All religions DO teach that and no individual religion has a superior connection with God as implied in the article.
Once you enter into spiritual realms you will see commonalities between all men and women regardless of their individual religion faith, color, caste or economic status.
stop blaming each individual religion as a religion of hate when it is the zealots of any faith or philosophy that ruin it for the others who might find solace in the new experience of islam, christianity, buddhism, what have you.
Every religion has its miracles, thus proving that none has a monopoly and, so, it is not the individual religion that «works».
Before there was religion we were all people and now we seperate ourselves behind each individual religion.
Whilst sharing Bonney's concern for moral values and peace, Younghusband, from his own spiritual experience, believed that the meeting with the Divine transcended the particularities of individual religions.
Recognition of diverse religious ends is the condition for recognition of the decisive significance of our religious choices and development, a significance that the particularistic witness of the individual religions collectively affirms.
While «religion serving socialism» has been in the CPC lexicon for some time, direct intervention in the beliefs and practices of individual religions — including calls for the «Sinification» of Christian theology — have become more common under Xi.
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