Sentences with phrase «individual school budgets»

When that idea was dropped, the Senate proposed onerous new reporting requirements for individual school budgets, which the mayor and his allies in the Assembly resisted.
Speaking to the Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee, local government representatives warned that, while they would try to protect individual school budgets, cuts would fall on student support and services such as specialists music and art tuition.
With our new Interactive Budget Reports you can look at individual schools budget as well as Central Office budget.
«This will mean a real reduction in the public service portfolio,» he said, adding that it was likely to hit areas with few or no academies hardest as the money would not be replaced via individual school budgets.
That fund — which is one of five within the MPS budget — covers individual school budgets and classroom spending.
The Budget Book also contains snapshots of individual school budgets to provide readers with an at - a-glance view of school based budgets and demographics that impact the budgets.
Parent groups and other education advocates urged the board Tuesday to delay the vote and give parents and principals more time to consider how the complicated changes will affect individual school budgets.
The goal was to hire teachers in February, but none could be hired until individual school budgets were approved.
While final details are still being hammered out, the extension now appears to come with a litany of new funding disclosure rules for individual school budgets, provisions that will essentially impose a new school budget process on top of existing protocols.
Speaking to the Scottish parliament's Education and Culture Committee, councillors said local authorities would try and protect individual school budgets but cuts would fall on student support and «peripheral» services like specialist music and art tuition.
With our new Interactive Budget Reports you can look at individual schools budget, programs as well as Central Office budget.
About 3,000 teachers and school - based staff have already been laid off this summer because of school closings and cuts to individual school budgets.
Individual school budgets that went to principals last month continued cuts made in the middle of the past school year.
The budget planning process in recent months has proven to be the biggest test for principals since they were empowered to manage their individual school budgets nearly a decade ago.
Shortly thereafter, principals were told that they would be losing Title I money next year through a change in the reallocation formula, and as a result, their individual school budgets would be lower.
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