Sentences with phrase «individual snack bags»

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And not snack - size candy bars, or little individual - size boxes or bags of candy, but a single piece of candy.
The most advanced horizontal - form / fill / seal wrapper available, this machine can package candy bars, snack cakes, snack crackers, cookies, individual popcorn bags, razor blades, taco shells, and some medical products.
Also freeze individual bags for a quick on the go snack or breakfast!
This is true for snacks (such as pre-cut individual portions of fruit and vegetables, or including plastic cutlery in the pack), and for fresh produce pre-prepared for home cooking (such as packs ready for consumers to make soup and stir fries, or bags of pre-washed salad items, which may include dressing sachets).
Use Ziploc bags to make individual servings of snack foods, so you can portion out the right amount for you.
I put 1/2 cup into individual snack size Ziploc bags to make it easy to take along for snacking after the gym.
Flax Banana Pumpkin Muffins Diaper - bag Snacks — there are some great «convenience health foods» which are easy to pack and provide the basis of healthy snacks for your baby • Blueberries and cheerios trail mix • Berry and cinnamon baked chickpea trail mix • Individual hummus cups (Tribe brand — I find them at Costco) with crackers • Almond butter squeeze packs with apple slices, banana or cracSnacks — there are some great «convenience health foods» which are easy to pack and provide the basis of healthy snacks for your baby • Blueberries and cheerios trail mix • Berry and cinnamon baked chickpea trail mix • Individual hummus cups (Tribe brand — I find them at Costco) with crackers • Almond butter squeeze packs with apple slices, banana or cracsnacks for your baby • Blueberries and cheerios trail mix • Berry and cinnamon baked chickpea trail mix • Individual hummus cups (Tribe brand — I find them at Costco) with crackers • Almond butter squeeze packs with apple slices, banana or crackers •
Yes, it can be easier to buy pre-packaged snacks for the kids or individual bags, but consider these options instead:
No more buying «specific kid food,» like those individual «snack bars» and «tiny plastic cheeses» to stash in the diaper bag.
â $ Bags are individual to each person, but it can help to have one with compartments for your sweaty stuff, for your work clothes, for snacks and water, and for things like keys, â $ says Crabtree.
Take a minute to create mini snack bags with an individual portion of meat and a few veggie sticks to grab when you're hungry.
Perfect for Easter egg hunts or individual goodie bags, we think these fruit snacks make a super sweet springtime treat.
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