Sentences with phrase «individual within the group»

This includes any «males» group, especially if they focus on the marginalized nature of individuals within this group, and not advancing men's «rights» as a whole.
The second involves random events affecting select individuals within a group.
Having access to incremental information makes eLearning adaptive and has become a vital part of shaping curriculum that better accommodates the many different learning styles of individuals within a group.
Some theorists suggest that evolution also operates on groups — when individuals within a group cooperate, their group may have survival advantages over groups with rigid individual selfishness.
However, recent studies have shown that traits can evolve on the strength of between - group selection, despite being disadvantageous for individuals within each group.
In spite of strained efforts to promote «friendliness,» the social distance separating individuals within the group is large.
From an evolutionary perspective one of the Oxytocin roles is to moderate pro-social behaviors, including compassion, mainly toward the survival of weaker and vulnerable individuals within groups, including females, pregnant females and offspring, who can not defend themselves in nature, in light of the stress.
Her photographs highlight individuals within these groups, and ask whether their belief ties their identity to that group entirely, or whether there is a greater, more common humanity beyond the single - issue crowd.
«Over the course of time, a particular practice group might have a testing year financially one year whilst individuals within the group might remain very strong performers.
The purpose of defining the groups and subgroups, as well as individuals within these groups who are highly influential in the success of your communications planning, is to make sure you have all bases covered, with the right information directed to them in the right way or by the appropriate channel.
The researchers discovered that when an individual within a group of potential collaborators took full ownership of the original idea («Just to be clear, although I am asking you for your input, I consider this to be my proposal, not yours.»)
The group that uses context... I can not say Baptists, or Catholics, or such... cause you have individuals within these groups... there are catholics who don't believe in purgatory (though they may be very few) etc etc.... lets drop the labels.
Collective dynamics is therefore a natural phenomenon which occurs when the dynamics of each individual within the group becomes synchronised with each other, lending a collective visual and functional effect.
By Jan. 1, 2000, 696 individuals within these groups had developed a first heart attack.
Knowing how these two types of influences combine to determine the decisions of each individual within a group is crucial for understanding the complex dynamics of many collective phenomena, not only in animals but also in humans.
status The relative position or standing of an individual within a group or population.
If you get insurance as a member of a group, eg at work, that is generally written based on the risk to the group as a whole and doesn't differ from individual to individual within that group.
Group bookings must be entered based on the same dates of arrival and departure for all individuals within the group.
October 16 Jon Rubin's work investigates the behavior of the individual within group environments and the psychology of social and public context.
Using textile techniques to ask questions around the role of the individual within the group, students investigated questions around how we can maintain our individuality, yet still remain part of the collective cloth; is it possible to progress in our lives if we leave others behind; what invisible fences does one build around their self and how does one mend fences in order to help each other survive?
And who decides whether a «men's rights» group is sufficient focused on the «marginalized nature of individuals within the group» and not «advancing men's «rights» as whole»?
I think we like to believe that we are non-discriminating in our encounters with Indigenous patients, but ignorance to the breadth of diversity of the individuals within this group of patients, and lack of knowledge about appropriate behaviour, makes this impossible.
Individuals within groups are a crucial part of the process and must also be empowered.
Psychodrama dealt with the study of the individual within a group therapy setting through dramatic enactment - exploration.
Risk is spread over a large group, so that no individual within the group has to fear a financially devastating setback.
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